Website with designer clothes sold cheap arranged by size?

  • Ok... I had found this website QUITE a while back... and thought it was so cool...

    Now I'm wanting to find it... to see if there are any dresses on it that I could use as goal dresses. BUT after HOURS of google search... zilch... nada.

    Wondering if anyone here knows what I'm talking about.

    It's a website... and it's arranged all by size. Like... the top is size 0, and underneath that are all of the clothes that are size 0. Next is size 2, and all of the clothes underneath are of size 2... and so on... and models are the actual size of the clothing I believe.

    I just know I really liked it when I saw it... and am trying to find it again. It might have gone out of business... I don't know. All I do know is that I can't find it.
