How reliable are phone apps?

  • This won't be a problem for a while now, but I don't want to save it for the last minute. There's going to be a time when, at 21, I'm going to need a job. And that job is going to test everything I've tried so hard to stick to these past few months.

    I often feel like I spend too much time online. I often feel like people are looking at me weird when I say, "can I use the computer really fast?" after a snack or meal. In the beginning I was tracking things with pen and paper but that got really hard and unrealistic for me so I switched to livestrong. I still carry the pen and notebook if I'm going somewhere without a computer, but I don't really like to do it anymore. Love Livestrong, but again, I can't be running to the computer every few hours. In some cases, there ISN'T a computer to even run TO.

    So once I get a new job I want a new phone, and I either want an app, or access to the net, so I can keep track of my calories on the go. This will help me SO much, I'm almost positive.

    For those of you who track on your phones, do you like it? Is it as accurate as you'd like? Is there one program you like better than another (app), or do you prefer to just access the Internet and put everything in yourself? Has it made things easier for you, and is it easy/or somewhat difficult to get used to?
  • I use the Livestrong/Daily Plate iPhone app. What I love about it is that it synchs with my Daily Plate account, so what I enter on my computer is visible on my phone and vice versa. I tried a few other apps (the names escape me now), but this is the one I like best.
  • Quote: I use the Livestrong/Daily Plate iPhone app. What I love about it is that it synchs with my Daily Plate account, so what I enter on my computer is visible on my phone and vice versa. I tried a few other apps (the names escape me now), but this is the one I like best.
    That's a relief they have an app, because I LOVE the daily plate. I need a fairly cheap phone, that's my issue, as long as my mother is paying for it. (She pays for our phones and thats it) but being 21 I'd like to have my own phone once I make enough money, then I can do whatever I want.

    So until I can get an iphone, I just need something that I can get on the Internet and plug my stuff in without a problem.
  • I also use livestrong, and I love it. It's been, by far, my favorite calorie tracking app. I've used... 4 or 5 others, and livestrong is my personal favorite.

    I find it to be just as accurate as using the internets!