Plum Organic... YUM

  • Plum Organics technically makes baby food... but I LOVE the fruit/veggie "pouches" that are 100% organic fruit. They make a wide variety... I love the peach and prune. Great for a low calorie, healthful snack and easy to take with you or leave in your desk at work.
  • My kids love them... Lol
  • There's actually a "Baby Food" diet that was sort of trendy... I tried it for about a week... Some of it was actually pretty tasty, some of it not so much... and let's just say now I know why babies make those faces and spit out their food... lol...
  • Quote: There's actually a "Baby Food" diet that was sort of trendy... I tried it for about a week... Some of it was actually pretty tasty, some of it not so much... and let's just say now I know why babies make those faces and spit out their food... lol...
    Oh yes, I tried that one too in years past LOL. But this is far different... it is just like eating applesauce... or other real fruits and veggie combinations, with nothing else added.