
  • I know I could look this up (or I should just KNOW it) but I figured you ladies would be of good help. What has the most fiber? What are some good high fiber foods? Are a lot of you on a high fiber diet?
  • Beans are a fiber powerhouse...canned, from dried, etc...beans are AMAZINGLY full of fiber. Fruits, veggies, and whole grains are also full of fiber. My fav high fiber recipe was already posted here:

    I try to get between 30-50g fiber a day...really helps to keep me full, along with my water.
  • I like fruits and vegies but I hate beans. I've never been a bean eater. I can't even stand the texture in my mouth.

    I do drink over 100 ounces of water a day though!
  • Fabulous Fiber

    Ever since I found out that fiber acts like a sponge to absorb fat and carry it out of the body, I was hooked! We need about 25-35 grams of it every day.

    Good bets for fiber are cereals like Fiber One, All Bran and Raisin Bran.

    Beans, fruits with skins like apples, and whole-grain breads are higher in fiber, too.

    I happened upon G.G. Scandanavian Bran Crispbread about a year ago. One slice is just 16 calories and has a whopping 3 grams of fiber. They are 85% bran. I like to spread one with Laughing Cow Light cheese spread or peanut better. Mmmmm!

  • some bread has as much as 5g of fiber per slice! (that's the most I've seen) have a sandwich and you're already at 10. stick to lots of fruits and veggies like the others suggest too!
  • A health food store by my house has these fiber cakes that are great! It's like a muffin with tons of bran and different fruits for different flavors and only 150 calories. Maybe they sell something similar by you, Trader Joe's has some like it I believe...
  • hey there, I try to eat as much fiber as I possibly can. If you are a carb lover...Sara Lee makes whole grain bagels that have it's either 6 or 7 grams of fiber a piece and only 130 cals. Also certain types of whole grain pasta has anywhere from 7-8 per serving. Pair that with some salad or some veggies, and you've got half your reccomended amount for the day!
  • A few things I would recommend is double fiber bread, oatmeal, prunes, and bars such as Fiber One or South Beach cereal bars. Look at labels for things with over 10% of your daily fiber. Try to eat more whole grains, brans and oats. Oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins, a pack of Splenda and some lowfat milk is a great way to start the day. If you like baking, go for whole wheat banana bread or bran muffins for treats.

    I was very surprised that I like prunes because I really cannot stand prune juice. Try different things and see what you like. It may surprise you.

  • I am trying Aunt Millie's 12 grain bread. It has 6 grams of fiber per piece. I also eat Progresso's Lentil Soup. It has 10 grams of fiber per can. Alot of salt, but that's a trade-off. It's also listed under the best life diet.
  • Kashi GoLean cereal. 10 grams of fiber per cup -- with only 140 cals and 1 gram of fat. I eat it for breakfast with 6 oz. of fat-free plain yogurt and I love it -- keeps me satisfied till lunch. I also eat 3/4 cup as a snack around 4:30 p.m. most workdays.
  • 1/2 cup of Fiber One cereal has 14 grams of fiber and only 60 calories. It is GREAT STUFF. I have it for breakfast every day. I add a sprinkle to salads for crunch. I add to Danon fat free/sugar free yogurt, also for added crunch. You can crush it and add some spices to it and sprinkle it on baked chicken cutlets or baked fish. It really adds lots of fiber to your day.
  • Refried beans and the Fiber One bar are good choices........I would love to see this thread continue because getting enough fiber in my diet is a daily challenge. I am suppossed to get about 25g a day, and I am barely getting over 10g!

    Sorry to hijack your thread, Itsabouttime..........but I need me some fiber lol!
  • I also LOVE Go Lean cereal by Kashi! I mix it with plain yogurt, lightly sweetened with stevia and add a few raisins or lite canned peaches. Another high fiber food is edamame. You can buy it frozen and it only takes 5 minutes to boil. I top it off with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray along with salt & pepper. Yummy!

    I truly believe fiber is the key to successful weight loss!!!
  • If you don't like the texture, what about bean soups? (I'm huge on texture, so I understand - I'm just throwing out a suggestion.)

    Other "sneaky" ways to get fiber in: Old-fashioned oatmeal, high-fiber cold cereal, South Beach cereal bars, greens (LOVE collards with garlic and a smidge of bacon), spinach, avocado (watch the fat!), broccoli, asparagus, couscous or brown rice instead of white, whole wheat tortillas or pitas, multi-grain breads
  • I'm glad this thread is here! I printed out the bean soup recipe. My DH can no longer eat beans. I just take a ton of Beano before eating beans and it helps quite a bit. I think I'll make this recipe for my lunches.

    Wonder what the difference is for our homemade broth as opposed to the store bought ones.