My Kimberly Spreen Absolute kickboxing review

  • I am not one to enjoy any other workout dvd's but Tae bo. I've tried the biggest loser, the firm, prevention etc. I hated every one of them. For some reason tae bo was the only one I loved. I realized because I like kick-boxing and Billy's attitude. I don't like normal "do a squat and a lunge and squat and lunge" type dvd's...and often find EVERY other fitness instructor other than BillyBlanks annoying/boring.

    I bought Kimberly Spreen's "Absolute kick-boxing" and I was surprised because I really really enjoyed it!! I think she is a great instructor and that is rare for me to say. I hate when the female instructors are overly peppy and pretend to be winded by these easy movements as if they are fooling you into believing you are working out hard. Kimberly is not too peppy, not too hard on you. The workout is kick-boxing intervals and certain sections have a weighted bar you can use (broomsticks are fine, or Tae Bo amplifier) AND the best part if you can pick the sections you want to workout and skip certain sections if you choose to.

    I was at first really afraid because some of the movements were sort of similar to Tae Bo and I am trying to break my plateau by trying something new. BUT she adds in loads of different moves and by the end of the video I was POURING with sweat. I haven't sweat like that from Tae Bo in a while.

    My only problem with the video is she goes way to quickly into new moves before you get time to even get used to the one she just taught. It's not that she is moving too fast action wise...but the second you sort of kind of get the hang of one move she adds another and another and I did fumble around a bit in confusion. BUT it was my first time doing it. All in all it is a great dvd and I will buy more of her workouts. Kick-box/Tae Bo lovers will like this I am sure of it.
  • Ha ha. I'm with you. I LOVE Taebo, and everything else I've seen so far annoys me. I'm still looking though.
    And it's good that you didn't get everything perfectly the first time. That means you need to do it a few times more! Much better than being way too easy.
    Good to hear you found something new!