Maintaining? How much do you fluctuate?

  • Just wondering for those of you who are maintaining;

    How much does your weight fluctuate? Is that on purpose or just TOM, etc?

    Do you still weigh in regularly?

    How much fluctuation do you comfortably allow?

    How do you stay motivated?

    I am trying to just maintain within a specific range (about 2-3 lbs) and am wondering who else does that, or what methods you all employ to keep yourself where you are.
  • I weigh very sporadically and I've been using a tiny pair of shorts with no stretch to check my progress. If they still fit I'm good. I also go by the mirror now and I've been taking regular pictures of myself (just in a sports bra and pants) so I can see my progress.

    I try to keep my maintenance range in 113-116 regardless of fluctuations, etc. I've been doing well staying in that range whenever I hop on the scale.

    I find feeling stronger is my motivation. I try to make sure I eat not to maintain my weight but to get stronger, faster, etc. You of all people know how awesome it is to feel strong!
  • I fluctuate about 2 pounds either way for no apparent reason. I weigh every day.
  • Quote: Just wondering for those of you who are maintaining;

    How much does your weight fluctuate? Is that on purpose or just TOM, etc?
    My weight used to fluctuate within a range of about 2 pounds. Then (TMI) I got an IUD in Feb and started needing ibuprofen during TOM, which makes me retain a lot of water. So now I fluctuate within a range of about 4-4.5 pounds. All of the fluctuations are just water, so I don't sweat it.

    Do you still weigh in regularly?
    Pretty much every day.

    How much fluctuation do you comfortably allow?
    I'm fine with the current fluctuations. I actually haven't had a problem with my weight creeping up. When it starts to drop lower than I want it right now, I eat-eat-eat.

    How do you stay motivated?
    Being happy with being thin and fit I guess? Honestly, maintenance has (I know, I know--so far) been easy so far, but then again, I ain't as lean as you. I do plan to drop just a smidge of fat starting next month-- ask me again once I'm dieting down how I stay motivated.
  • My goal is to keep my fluctuations in check. So far I have stayed between 127.0-130.5 including pizza and beer nights, long hike water retention, etc. I am trying to lose still so this isn't a good gauge, but it's comforting that I am not grossly overeating the way I used to and gaining 5 lbs of water weight overnight.
  • I've stayed between 124-128 without doing anything out of the ordinary. Recovering from surgery was a bit difficult, b/c I lost weight at first, and then about 4 pounds magically appeared.

    But after getting back to eating normally and working out regularly, I am back to my regular range. :-)
  • Thanks all... interesting stuff!

    I only weigh once a week or every two weeks, just to "sanity check" myself and make sure that I'm still in my happy range. Sometimes if I'm holding a little water it can make my mind play tricks on me!
  • I bounce around within the 100-107lb. range. My norm is about 101lbs.