Exercise & motivation

  • In short, I lack it. I haven't properly maintained a workout regimen independently in my entire life (was an athlete in HS, but all downhill from there). And from what I've heard it takes a lot of exercise to lose those last few -- how do you guys stay motivated?
  • I have to be truthful in saying that I generally despise exercise. However, since I'm getting older, my body is changing and now I have to exercise for health rather than just to lose weight. I have high cholesterol and a family history of heart disease so cardio workouts are essential. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it.

    And I don't know that it's necessary to do a lot of exercise to lose the last few pounds--it takes a healthy diet and exercise together (IMO).
  • I don't know that I stay motivated. I just know I have to do it, so on most days I get up and do it. I pretty much always hate it before I start, but am happy when I get finished. Well, tired, then happy.
  • For me, it isn't motivation so much as commitment. I'm almost never saying to myself "Yay, self! Let's go ROCK this workout!" I am usually saying "You've committed to losing/maintaining this weight, and this is what you have to do to do it, so get it done".

    The end result is the same - I do my workouts. Although I will say that having a heart rate monitor with calorie counter has given me a little boost to exercise more AND to be more active in my day...love watching that "Calories Burned" number tick upward.
  • I, too, LOATHE exercise. I struggle every day with working out, and I literally have to force myself to do it. But, luckily, I am an organizational junkie. So this is what I do:

    Write it down. In my planner. With a time. Like so:

    6:00pm-7:00pm - Workout (The Firm: Super Cardio)

    Treat it like a "real" commitment, because it is! If you had a meeting at work, scheduled for a certain time, you would go even if you didn't want to, right? Or if you have a class scheduled at a certain time, you would go even if you didn't want to, right? That's how I think of exercising...I don't want to do it, but it's an appointment to make sure that my body stays healthy and that I look the way I want. To me that's just as important as a school or work commitment. Of course, I'm a complete slave to my planner and my to-do lists, so this method might not work for everyone...but it's worth a shot!

    Good luck on sticking with it!
  • I have the same motivation problem.. but with my eating instead. For exercise I'm following a Learn-to-run-10km program, and the motivation to keep going is knowing in 13weeks that I will be able to run 10k easily! It's only three times a week and only 30-60min long so that also helps lol. I also love stretching after a run and seeing that i'm more flexible than the week before. Flexibility comes so fast its like instant results!