Can You Do Yoga the Same Day As...

  • Can you do yoga and strength training on the same day?

    Also, can you do yoga and cardio on the same day?

    Why or why not?

    If no, how long should you wait between sessions?
  • Why wouldn't you be able to?

    I ran 6 miles at lunch today and came home and did yoga...
  • Well, I just did TRX with a personal trainer this morning, and a yoga class tonight. I'll let you know tomorrow how that worked for me.
  • Yoga is probably best to do on days you workout as it stretches and relaxes all your muscles and ligaments ... So I say go for it...
  • It absolutely depends on the yoga! I've taken yoga classes that were intense strength training all by themselves. I would not be able to do an effective resistance training routine on the same day. However, if it's more of a slow, relaxing yoga, then there's no reason you can't do it on the same day as any other exercise.
  • Quote: Can you do yoga and strength training on the same day?

    Also, can you do yoga and cardio on the same day?

    Why or why not?

    If no, how long should you wait between sessions?
    Yes you can--what you don't want to do is two times a day weight training or cardio. It's best to take one day off or *every other day when it comes to weight training so your muscles repair better. Since Yoga is more stretch it won't interfere with your weight or aerobic--unless you are doing a very difficult yoga class?