Massage/Treatment for Pulled Quads?

  • I pulled my quads. I don't know exactly what caused it, I've been weight lifting and sprinting and running. Somewhere in there, I must have overloaded my quads.

    And I think I am icing them too late, I should have done it yesterday. It just didn't feel painful, and I didn't think it was going to be a big deal. Today, I tried to sprint, and I couldn't at all. I could only jog (which, in hindsight, I shouldn't have done, I should have just called it a day when I realized my injuries).

    Anyway, there's a massage/chiropractor place that just opened up down the street from my house, and I've been thinking about trying it out anyway. Does anybody know how helpful (or unhelpful) it will be to get a massage? And if helpful, how long should I wait to go?

    Other than that, I'm planning on resting for a while, and just going on walks or something until they feel better.

    Or any other advice on treatment is much appreciated! Any other pulled muscles out there?

    Thank you.
  • I'm not sure about the sports massage - never had one. However I use a foam roller with my IT Band which is connected from the hip down to the knee. It came with a booklet of all the types of injuries you can use it for, including quads. Here's some examples of the exercises:

    It REALLY helps my IT Band - like, it basically saved my running. You can get the foam rollers for around $15 so it might be worth a shot. Hope you feel better!
  • Ditto a foam roller!!
  • Quote: It REALLY helps my IT Band - like, it basically saved my running. You can get the foam rollers for around $15 so it might be worth a shot. Hope you feel better!
    Oh good! I have the same problem and keep meaning to try it.
  • OH AWESOME I totally HAVE a foam roller!

    Didn't even occur to me to use it.

    Thank you!
  • I would try the massage for sure. But I may only say that cause in my class in college a women came in just recently and talked about her career as a masseuse (I think that's the right term heh.) Anyway they learn all about the muscles and how to work them in the right way to get the blood flowing and all the pressure points. I think it would be worth the money, assuming they're accredited right. I intend to try a neck and shoulder one for tension as some say it cures migraine pain for a while. I've tried pills, may as well try this too!
  • Quote: Oh good! I have the same problem and keep meaning to try it.
    Julie - it works WONDERS! At first it hurts - kind of feels like you're rolling on a tube of concrete - but as your IT Band inflammation decreases, it will hurt less. I used to not be able to run a mile without my ITB hurting terribly but now I'm back to running regularly 5+ miles without a single twinge. Good luck!
  • ahhhh.. spent a blissful evening rolling around on my foam roller while watching TV and sometimes rolling over my dog's tail (she insists on being RIGHT next to me).

    I shall do that regularly. What's the best about it is that you can determine how much pressure you want - sometimes with professional massages, I have trouble saying "that hurts" every time I feel like it.

    Yes the IT band is a very sensitive spot for me still to roll over... have to be really slow and really gentle, until it starts to loosen up for me, or else it's PAINFUL!

    Thanks again for the great advice.