my work-out: what do you think ?

  • Here is my work-out that I do everyday. I don't know anything about work-out so please help.

    My everyday work-out consists of:
    -Threadmill for 30 minutes: Walking fast (at 3,5) and each 5 minutes I do 1 minute of sprint/jogging (at 5,5) (i burn each time around 250 you think it could be true..i don't find it`s a lot at all)

    -30 pushups on the walls (all in one shot)

    - 20 women push-ups (all in one shot)

    - 50 sits-ups (all in one shot)

    So, what do you think ? I think I do not work-out hard enough, that I could burn more calories than that.
  • My only advice is:
    -vary your workouts so your body doesn't get used to this routine
    -increase the numbers of your reps regularly (maybe start by doing 50 situps one week, then 75, and so forth... or you could increase daily)

    Your workout looks really good though!
  • am i walking fast and running fast enough ?

    and am i burning enough calories ?
  • Kaytlin ... sweetie ... please accept this with all the concern I mean it.

    Your posts concern me. You seem to be obsessed with burning tons of calories and figuring out how few calories you can eat, yet you post often about feeling faint, feeling dizzy, feeling bad, getting injuries.

    Even more, no one here is going to be able to advise you because you refuse to answer (or flat out ignore, I"m not sure which) any question about your height, current weight, current fitness level ... or anything like that.

    I think you need to take a step back here and reassess what it is you're trying to accomplish here. What you're doing is not healthy. You're not going to lose weight doing this. You're going to seriously harm yourself, damage your metabolism, and wind up in the hospital if you keep restricting your calories and then exercising to the point that you injure yourself and faint.

    Please. Please please ... seek the advice of a doctor and a nutritional expert. Read this board and learn from the women who have succeeded in losing weight a HEALTHY way. Your posts worry me and make me think that you need more help than those of us here can give you.

  • Quote: Kaytlin ... sweetie ... please accept this with all the concern I mean it.

    Your posts concern me. You seem to be obsessed with burning tons of calories and figuring out how few calories you can eat, yet you post often about feeling faint, feeling dizzy, feeling bad, getting injuries.

    Even more, no one here is going to be able to advise you because you refuse to answer (or flat out ignore, I"m not sure which) any question about your height, current weight, current fitness level ... or anything like that.

    I think you need to take a step back here and reassess what it is you're trying to accomplish here. What you're doing is not healthy. You're not going to lose weight doing this. You're going to seriously harm yourself, damage your metabolism, and wind up in the hospital if you keep restricting your calories and then exercising to the point that you injure yourself and faint.

    Please. Please please ... seek the advice of a doctor and a nutritional expert. Read this board and learn from the women who have succeeded in losing weight a HEALTHY way. Your posts worry me and make me think that you need more help than those of us here can give you.

    Thanks for posting that; It's exactly how I feel.

    She says she wont go to a doctor or a medical professional and there isn't much else to safely say when that's the case.
  • well im 5 5 and weight 210 pounds.. i highered my's not around 1200 calories anymore.
  • Buddy...I agree with what what PhotoChick and SoulBliss have said. I've been dieting since I was like...15 and I've done the restricting my calories to the extreme (as low as 700) and working out very intensely on a daily basis to the point where my metabolism is now making life difficult for me. I'm not saying you're doing that...but making these type of lifestyle changes aren't just about what you're doing but the mental component behind it. It's this obsessiveness where the only thing you're thinking about the entire time is burning calories, how you can cut out calories from your eating, overestimating portion's a tough cycle to break out of.

    I think it's great you want to make these changes but I really think you need to do research on how best to make these changes. This website is a fantastic resource. I encourage you to google your basal metabolic rate (google bmr calculator) and work from there...and also never, never, never drop below 1200. If you're that focused on working out (which is great!) you have to fuel your body so it can do these exercises.

    In terms of your workout:
    Are you running fast enough? Well...buddy, that depends on you. Is it challenging you? What's your heart rate around during the exercises? It all depends on how difficult the activity is for you. I run at 7.0mph, my sister runs at 5.2mph and my mum mum gets her heart rate up much more quickly than me and keeps it there for longer because her activity is harder for her than mine is for me. The only reason I burn more calories than either of them is because I weigh more...

    I also think it's great you're incorporating strength training exercises into your workouts but I would advise against working the same muscle group two days in a row (I only work each muscle group twice a week). Rest is key in weight training. Strength exercises pretty much tear apart your muscle and you need time to rest for them to repair and get stronger. Less rest = less repair time and less results.

    Again, I REALLY think you should do some more research...feel free to PM me if you have any questions. The absolute last thing you want to do is hurt your body and ruin everything you're trying to accomplish. It's really not worth being thin if you aren't going to be healthy. You have to ease into exercise to avoid injury and you have to play around with your eating to find what works for you.