It may just be me...

  • ...but when I've been exercising recently (pretty much exclusively when I do weights etc) I get the feeling that I'm close to Orgasm

    Now, as I say, may just be me and if it is then I'm gonna shush up and go hide lol

    I've tried having a bit of a google and brought up a couple of articles but nothing really factual (more the lads mags, oh aye nudge wink) etc

    Anyone else experienced this? I can only assume its the whole endorphin thing?
  • huh. I've never heard of that, but it's a good reason to start exercising, eh?
  • Haven't heard that... but good for you!
  • I Know , Where Do I Sign Up Lol
  • Lemme just say, I have never experienced that, but I am definately more in the mood when I am exercising on a regular basis. The past couple of yrs the sex drive has all but disappeared unless I am exercising, and then I can't seem to get "it" enough...hmmmmmm...
  • MAN, I must be doing it wrong .... Can we have more details about your routine?
  • I subscribe to Fitness magazine, and there was a recent little blurb about it in there, so you are not the only one. They made up a word for it, and called it "coregasm". They said that most people who talked about it, said that it was during activity where the core was really engaged, such as in Pilates and strength training.
  • I thought I was the only one this happened to! When I used to lift weights at the gym, I would be doing the leg curl machine (the one where you lay on your stomach) and sometimes have to stop! It's bizarre.
  • Okay....I want to sign up for this fitness routine!!! What kind of weight lifting are you doing?? I am heading to the gym tomorrow and want to try it out!!! :-)