My KNEES! I feel so old....

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  • OMG I have the same problems as you! I have carpeltunnel (the beg of) in my right wrist and my knees have just started hurting (at 31) though I will say with just 14 lb loss the pain is about 50% gone. My knees hurt so bad I couldn't carry my son upstairs to do a diaper change. That is actually what motivated me to lose weight this time> I don't want permament knee problems. The good news is, mine appears to be goign away with weight loss. Maybe the same willl happen for you?
  • I know just losing the little bit of weight I have lost has helped my knees a lot! My problem now is some hip pain, but that's slowly getting better too since I started taking Glucosamine & Chondrotin.
  • I'm also part of the bad knees club!
    I'm only 23 years old but my right knee often doesn't feel right. Today when I was running it was sore for the first 5 minutes and then it felt better during the rest of my run. Afterwards it was popping and felt like it was grinding though.
    I'm going to have to try the squatting exercise with the ball as well as the leg lifts.
    I know I shouldn't run but I have to because I know if I stop running I won't exercise so I will have to concentrate on strengthing my leg muscles more.

    Hopefully I won't one day be destined for a knee replacement like a few other family members :S
  • Count me in...I started a post because I couldn't find a thread that dealt with my issues--I searched for patellofemoral syndrome and for Chondromalacia patella but didn't find either, so started a new post. Didn't notice the stickies! Oops!

    Anyways, thought I'd post the two terms here so if someone else makes my mistake, they'll still find this thread.
  • another one of the many!!
    my right knee more so then left...but Wow..the pain of bending down to put something in a lower cabinet is excrutiating!! the treadmill doesnt seem to bother it too much,nor the eliptical, and I can handle yoga- but knee lifts etc...No way...cant do it!
    my hips and knees really are stiff on Sunday mornings after gigs...I stand for 4 hours...pacing, and sometimes stomping my right foot (prby why the right is farther gone). Too much weight for too long for an old lady!!
  • Okay a weird thing happened with my knees today. I was running, they were fine. Then I did my cooldown, still fine, maybe a teeny bit sore. While I was stretching I sat down on my exercise ball for a second and put my hands on my knees and I could feel something still moving around in there, like maybe fluid or something...even though I wasn't moving my knees at the time! To be honest it kinda freaked me out!

    Has that ever happened to anyone else?
  • kimminy, is your knee okay? I haven't had that happen, but it sounds like it's bad.
    Anyway, I will join the sore knee club, too. I tore my meniscus in college doing step aerobics. I loved step aerobics, too. Anyone else here anymore? I don't have a gym membership. What do you all do from home?
  • Hope it's okay if I re-open this thread discussion...

    I'm 47, been heavy for a few years, and it was my knees that also gave me the real warning that the weight wasn't going with me into my 50's.

    Good discussions here - and more motivation to get the weight off - but to be careful of my poor knees.
  • Exercising with painful joints and knees...
    For people with joint and back problems, aqua-workouts are ideal - the water acts as a giant cushion for the joints, protecting them from the kind of stress and impact they experience when exercising out of the water. Even people who can't swim can workout in the pool.

    I have a temporary disability (knees) that keeps me from effective exercise on land, but with aquacise, I get a good workout with minimal pain. I'm not a good swimmer, so I wear a flotation belt and "swim" laps, jog, do stretching exercises, leg raises, ab crunches, knee flexing, upperbody workout, and so much more.
    Most exercises can be done in the shallow end of the pool if you prefer.
    You can increase resistance by wearing ankle/wrist weights.

    Here are some free videos on basic aqua-fitness pool workouts.

    Note: Always check with your doctor or physical therapist to see which exercises are best for you.

    You might find some more information in this thread.
  • biofreeze question
    Quote: Nix the Ben Gay. Head to your local Chiroquack for some Bio Freeze, or order it off the net. I threw out Ben Gay, Aspracream and all that garbage when my chiro sold me that stuff. Been ordering it online ever since.
    Where do you but it online? I love biofreeze, my neck especially loves biofreeze.
  • Quote:
    So it's impact activities that are hurting your knees? Me too (I have arthritis) so I don't do any kind of exercise involving walking, running, or jumping (anything that you're lifting your feet off the ground). Every pound that you're carrying exerts four pounds of pressure on your knees, hips, and feet according to my knee doc. If you're 200 pounds, that's 800 pounds of pressure on your knees! So when you jump or run, you're putting a ton of extra weight on your joints and they're screaming TOO MUCH! I can even feel a big difference in my knees when I carry a 14 pound box of kitty litter up the stairs, so imagine what 50 or so extra pounds can do.

    But don't despair, that still leaves a lot of kinds of exercise! Elliptical trainers (my favorite ), exercise bikes (I like recumbent), and swimming are all awesome cardio exercise and there's NO impact involved.

    And the more you strengthen the muscles that support your knees, the less pressure there is on the joint itself. The muscle acts as an internal knee brace. Do you belong to a gym? Do you have any exercise equipment at home, like an exercise ball or dumbbells?
    I have arthritis in both my knees and I'm going to get a shot in one of them in a week. I'm also having problems with my feet. Plantar Facitious so they hurt. This summer has been a total bust. I was doing so well with my Wii Fit plus then I hurt my foot. it was downhill from there. My foot is just now starting to feel better.It's been sore or 5 months. It was the pain like a heel spur so I couldn't even walk on my treadmill. I did walk the other day around the track at the high school and that just killed my knees.

    This may sound crazy but every single day I say I'm going to join the Y which is 8 minutes from my house. Then I say well what am I going to do there because of the pain. I really want to go swim which I know is the best for me.
    Oh well enough of my pity party
    I'm going to to and do my dance dvd
    MADONNA GRIMES ----AFRICAN BEAT LATIN HEAT....... if you like zumba you would like this.
  • 2feelbetter - getting in the water is an awesome way to avoid the knee/foot issues. There's water aerobics - if touching the bottom hurts the feet, you can do Deep Water classes - you get a noodle or flotation device and you work out in the deep end - NO impact at all!

    I have osteo-arthritis in both knees.....up until May, I was able to Spin. Then I hurt my ankle, and it's still bothering me to pedal. Stinks, because I sure ATE like I took Spin, if you know what I mean....
  • Quote: but Wow..the pain of bending down to put something in a lower cabinet is excrutiating!!
    I can relate to that. I pull a chair up to the lower cabinets and to my refrigerator when I'm cleaning it out.

    I was at a hotel a few years ago and the toilet was not near anything I could hold onto. I had to try and reach the tub just to brace myself. Very awkward situation. That's when I realized how I ALWAYS hold onto something when using the bathroom even if it's just the walls.
  • I'm only 22 and have knee problems. I used to play basketball in high school and was rammed by a boy on my team (who often expressed how girls shouldn't be aloud in sports) and landed bad on both knees. I went to the doctor and he told me I had Chondromalacia which is where the cartilage goes soft from injury and causes the bones to rub together. It hurts just to go up stairs and doing anything where any weight is put on my knees while bending, they pop constantly. I kneel on the floor and sound like a fire cracker going off. Basically all this crappy doctor did was give me a piece of paper saying what I had and told me there was some exercises I could do to help it, but I guess he just assumed I find out what they were on my own (this same crappy doctor swore I was on meth when I came in about my migraines, even went so far as to do blood work on me). Anyone know some good exercises? Or was this doctor stupid and doing those exercises going to make it worse?
  • Quote: D
    So it's impact activities that are hurting your knees? Me too (I have arthritis) so I don't do any kind of exercise involving walking, running, or jumping (anything that you're lifting your feet off the ground).

    But don't despair, that still leaves a lot of kinds of exercise! Elliptical trainers (my favorite ), exercise bikes (I like recumbent), and swimming are all awesome cardio exercise and there's NO impact involved.
    I have arthritis in both my knees. I just got cortisone shots in both of them last month so, I thought I was invincible. What did I do, I've been doing Zumba. I've been doing it twice a week for the past month.

    I stand in the back of the class because I cannot keep up with the 20 & 30 year olds LOL but I keep moving throughout the whole class and I love it.

    I love it and I'm paying for it with pain. I don't do the actual jumping I do a modified version but their is a lot of shifting side to side and bouncing. I've come to the sad conclusion that I just shouldn't be doing it. Why, BECAUSE MY KNEES ARE KILLING ME.
    So I'm going to try something else. I am doing water aerobics 2x a week and zumba 2x a week. I may now do water aerobics 3x a week but still want something else to do. I haven't even tried the fitness center. For years I've heard how ellipticals are good for you if you have bad knees. The problem is I've never been able to do it. It would bother my knees.

    As for the recumbent bike .... are you ready for this everythime my knees came back they would hit me in the stomach ROFL.

    I'm going to give these two machines a try again because I have to mix it up a bit.