If Windsor Pilates are so great, then why so cheap??

  • Hey All,
    I need your help on this one. I went bargain hunting. I got a 4 video set of Windsor Pilates for 2.00. At first I was Then I thought: Wait! If they are sooo great then why didnt someone else catch this deal . Anybody have some success with this program? If so, how do I incorporate it into my workouts (3 days cardio, 3 days weight lifting).

    So was this a blessing....or a waste of 2 dollars???

    Thanks all!
  • What a deal! I think they have come out with newer versions and a different method of selling them, so the old versions end up on the bargain table.

    I'd definitely count is as a blessing Maybe you could start a thread in our exercise video forum to round up a support group for anyone using them. I'd love to hear how you all do with it
  • Pilates, in general, is great stuff for working out your core muscles. I think it can complement an exercise program nicely. I actually have some pilates DVDs but I really don't do them all that often. I prefer yoga or the core workouts in my other DVDs.
  • Price doesn't always correllate to value. I once managed to get three brand new "diet" books (Walk Away the Pounds, The Biggest Loser, and another whose title I don't recall) at the thift store for $1 each. All very obviously unread. Sometimes you just get lucky, and as Suzanne said, quite often the older ones get discounted very deeply. Plus, Pilates simply isn't trendy anymore. (Which doesn't mean it's not a good exercise!)

    Such things are also generally considered part of your weight training, so if you don't want to add on another day of exercise, I'd suggest subbing the DVDs for one of your weight days to try them out. Might work for you, might not.
  • I just got a winsor pilates dvd and have used it twice - I find it to be good -I paid full price for mine - I wish I had got that good of a bargain - I bought mine sight unseen - if I didnt like it tough - it could have ended up on my shelf collecting dust or given someone else a bargain. Enjoy it!
  • A lot of great information you can access for free in libraries or the net, while many horrible programs cost hundreds of dollars, it's indeed not best to judge something by their cost, but rather their content. Though... I don't think highly of how Pilates is presented in a lot of cases. It seems like fun calisthenics that can be done for endurance work and rehab, but unless you have some kind of machine to make them progressigly difficult the effectiveness would taper off.

    Is this the one with that weird 'circle' thing that gets used? It's pretty funny looking.
  • i love windsor pilates!!
  • I have some of the Winsor Pilates DVDs (I was able to buy them individually here in Australia), but I don't have any extra bits of equipment like resistance bands. I love it! It really tones you and it feels like "strenuous stretching". I have little fat pads on my hips, which I truly thought I'd need lipo to remove. I'm not kidding, they're smaller, plus I have those dents on the sides of my buttocks, and my saddlebags are smaller too. I've always loved floor exercises, and really like Mari's teaching style. Because each DVD is 20 minutes I can do just one after my aerobic workout, or do all three for a total body tone-up. I have the buns and thighs, the ab one, and the upper body one.
  • Where on earth did you find it?
  • I use pilates, its helped me lose weight. The videos were probably replaced with DVD's. Just like any workout plan, it works as long as you work out.
  • I agree with everyone else - well done!

    I've just started working out like a wild lady over the past two months or so. I take Mondays off - cuz it's Monday.... Then I do cardio (Tae Bo, eliptical, tennis) and alternate upper body weights, lower body strength, and Pilates.

    So Monday - OFF
    Tuesday - 30 minutes eliptical, Lower Body Strength
    Wednesday - 45 min Tae Bo, upper body strength
    Thursday - 30 min eliptical, Pilates

    Like I said, I've only been working out a few months and I have a TON of weight to lose, so I've been tearing it up. Oh, and I do cardio in the morning and strength later - around dinner time.

    Good luck,