To those with autoimmune conditions...

  • This isn't directly related to weightloss per say, more or less curiosity on my part. I've been recently researching on different treatment options for myself and my Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and came across the Marshall Protocol. Are any of you under this treatment for your autoimmune condition? If yes...

    Which condition do you have?
    How long have you been on the protocol for?
    Are you feeling better?

    I'm very curious about this protocol. From some things I've read, some people can go into remission from their condition after treatment but I wanna chat with someone on it. It's the closest thing to a "cure" I've come across where the possibility to not having to stay on hormone pills the rest of your life is there.
  • I know some people with CFIDS/ME who have been on the MP. I'm highly suspicious of it myself, and my doctor agrees that it is a) peculiar and b) extreme. As I recall, it involves staying in near-total darkness for the first two years. Anyway, I think you will find it discussed a lot in the CFIDS forums that are floating about the internet, have a hunt through those.
  • Thanks for the tip