Depression Support Group Blog

  • I wanted to invite anybody who needs additional help with depression to visit my blog.
    I started this blog today because I am fed up with depression and feeling weak in the fight and all alone in the fight and I know that I am NOT alone and I want this blog to be a place for others to come together and fight depression and help each other get through it together.
    The world can be a much happier place together .
  • Looks good.... I'll bookmark it....

    I find it's great to write down stuff...

    Here is mine

    Pretty much everyday stuff but scares me to read some of the stuff from this year...
  • Good Luck Ladies
  • Thanks Maz - I checked your site out as well...i think we may be useful tools for each other yet. Best wishes in your fight!
  • Thank you all for sharing your blogs, I will add them to my links and check them out. Mine is a bit of nonsense about daily life,
    Kind of Blue
  • depression support group blog
    I'm not quite sure what to do here--I believe gige myopinions on this site? well, I say hey great!! I sure need a place to speak with others about depression who will understand and not judge/mock, Combinre it with weight issues and it's a very heavy load indeed. so--how shall we start? Marion?