Easy to cope on a good day but coping when even walking feels like a task

  • Hi everyone,

    I posted a couple of other posts on other boards. I'm a binge eater but it correlates with my moods, which perhaps states the obvious.

    I am perhaps looking for like minded souls or those who can relate to having intermittent feelings of being, not down as such but almost frantic alongside feeling apathy.

    It's hard to tell how much is due to lack of sleep, interestingly, for me, if I had a night with no sleep with my baby, it feels very similar to how I feel when I get low. Today I woke up and felt I could function everyone was happy (isn) and it's going well. Yesterday I woke up and I didn't want to move. I felt apathy about everything, and then a frantic want for food. Any food and large amounts. I am almost frightened of myself when I get like that. I will drive frantically to the shops and grab everything I can, my stomach will hurt and I will keep eating.

    I'm sorry this is a self indulgent post, I just wondered how others cope. I know I'm lucky that I don't feel this every day. It's almost like a spoilt brat syndrome and then I feel so guilty when I feel better again, I want to do everything I can to help other people as I'm so selfish when I'm "down". Plus I also must gain about ten pounds in a day. I probably need psychological help but that isn't an option. I just wondered how you all cope, and if anyone has been like me...

    I wish you all the best of luck x
  • You've got a baby? Are you sure you do not have some post natal depression?

    You will find the article on seratonin interesting i think . It can be found on nutrition wonderland. Read also the one on insulin and leptin.

    The seratonin one talks about the need for decent sleep.

    If your baby is keeping you awake then you need to get help from a nurse or doctor to help you resolve your problem their since its having such an impact on you.

    Feeling apathetic is typical of low seratonin levels i think. Its how i feel a lot of the time even when my mood is ok.

    Binging upsets your bodies hormones too and causes everything to get out of whack.

    When you do get motivated i would say start by intending to eat at maintenance weigh calories for a while, eating balanced meals with protein at every meal and not too much complex carbs but some.

    For the protein have eggs, or nuts, legumes such as beans, hard cheese, fish and seafood or lean meats as your main sources. Its good to vary them. My diet doesn't include meat and i try to minimise fish so i'mi eating a lot of beans because they are also low in fat unlike the nuts and cheese and other dairy.

    EAt plenty of vegies and fruits. You can get your moods a bit out of whack with binging because you may start to miss out on vitamins and minerals if you are not eating well. when i binge i don't eat so much nutritious food.

    Good fats should predominate as fats - these are nuts, olive oil and other polyunsaturated oils, avocado, peanuts and cashews which are legumes but still high in fats like nuts.

    Another thing that could be contributing is not eating enough calories.

    But it could all be due to lack of sleep. That article mentions how we want carbs when we lack sleep. So have a read of it. You can find it under the understanding your bodies section in one of the drop down menus.
  • I have to agree with Pattience...hugs!