what is the ideal weight i need to be?

  • what is the ideal weight i need to be?

    What is a good diet program to use to healthy weight loss..
  • Quote: what is the ideal weight i need to be?

    What is a good diet program to use to healthy weight loss..
    You can look at the BMI charts (just google it) for some ideas on ideal weight, but in reality there really is no such thing. If you have a lot of muscle mass and a low body fat percentage, you might still be considered to be "overweight". So I would aim for something that feels good and healthy. For health, you can also check hip-waist ratio, which gives some indication, but is also dependent on your particular body type.

    As for healthy diet, that's also a bit subjective :-) Some people do better on a diet with high carbohydrate intake and low fat, some are the happiest with low carbohydrates and higher fat intake. I'm right now really happy with a Mediterranean type diet. That's what I would personally recommend, as it's not in any extremes and has the best of both worlds. You still need to be on caloric deficit to lose fat.

    Sorry for being so vague, but I hope that helps :-)