Tuesday, May 27

  • Good morning

    Where is everyone.....I am hardly ever the first here. I just got up & just checking in. Am going to have coffee on the deck with DH. See you later.

  • I am here in body!
    Went in after soccer last night and worked an eight hour night shift. It was busy but good but I slept most of today..........now I have to get tidied up and take dd11 to the store for some summer clothes,,,,and then we have tickets to the baseball game......we will grab a hotdog there

    Hope everyone is hanging in there!

  • I'm late
    Hey there gang!

    I worked today but I had no internet service at work for some strange reason so I couldn't get in here.

    It's 9:30 at night now and I am just sitting down to try to check my email from here and wanted to pop in and say hi.

    I will post tomorrow if I have internet service.

    Everybody be good!
