Has anyone lost weight after stopping AD meds?

  • I used to post on these boards back in '06. Weight-wise, I started at 220 and went down to 135-140 and managed to keep it off - until I started taking Celexa for anxiety 3 years ago this month. I now weigh 160. I've read that a 20-pound gain is pretty standard for these drugs. However, I'm currently on the "road back" and coming down off of the Celexa. I was taking 20mg. I'm now a month into cutting it back to 10mg. I go see my doctor Thursday to get a 'script for a 5mg tablet that I will start taking once I get the 'script filled.

    I've heard that some people drop to their pre-medication weight once they're off the pills, but I've also read that some people are never able to lose the weight at all and find it completely impossible to get rid of it.

    Has anyone here had any experience with dropping gained weight while on AD/AA medication?

    I'd also love to hear from anyone in the same boat that's trying to lose the med weight, whether you're still on the medication or not.

  • I was on Lexapro for anxiety for about 2 years. I did gain weight (40 pounds), but when I started making a real effort to incorporate exercise (running 4x/week) I lost 25 pounds in each of the following 2 years. Last January I also decided to start calorie counting and lost another 40 pounds bringing me to me pre-lexapro weight.
  • Quote: I was on Lexapro for anxiety for about 2 years. I did gain weight (40 pounds), but when I started making a real effort to incorporate exercise (running 4x/week) I lost 25 pounds in each of the following 2 years. Last January I also decided to start calorie counting and lost another 40 pounds bringing me to me pre-lexapro weight.
    Woo, excellent job

    I too am making more of an effort. I can't really say I'm blaming ALL of the weight gain on celexa, but I know it's contributed to it, after all the research I've done and other people I've talked to about it.

    It could be much worse, though -- I started my weight loss journey in '04. By '06 I was down from 220 to 130-something. My body settled on hovering in the range of 135-140, which I was fine with. So gaining 20 pounds in over 4 years' time really isn't that bad, considering many people who lose a bunch of weight gain it all back and then some within the first year. I kept it off for 2-3 years, then it started creeping back once I began the celexa, despite my efforts to fight it, until I cruised up to 160, which is where I am now.

    I want back down to 140. I've got 2 pairs of skinny jeans hanging in my closet going, "We miss you!"

  • I developed anxiety in 2008 and went on Lexapro....and gained about 50lbs. My doctor tried to tell me that there was no way it was the Lexapro because it's weight neutral (or something), ha! I also was having a very hard time being motivated on it, and the few times when I was motivated, I couldn't lose any weight.

    So, last September, I felt like my anxiety was under control and I transitioned off the medication. Since then, without doing any exercise AND eating poorly, I have gone from 185 to 168.

    Everyone is different, of course, but for me, I definitely did lose weight as soon as I stopped....but, I sadly didn't go down to my pre-med weight either. However, now that I'm done with the Lex, it's been so much easier for me to FOCUS. Before I felt zombie-ish (i.e. I could never reconcile the thoughts in my head like "you need to exercise" or "please don't eat 5 helpings of that" with the action), but now I feel motivated and have started to overhall my diet and start exercising. It's like I woke up from a sleep and am like "WHOA, I NEED TO GET HEALTHY!!!"

    Hang in there! ♥♥
  • Celexa made it impossible for me to lose weight. When I decided to get serious about weight loss, I tapered myself off of it (which was hard). I am now celexa free.....taking lots of vitamin supplements in its place, and feeling "ok". I have lost 20 lbs since starting this adventure on Jan 1st. At a terribly long plateau, stuck at 170. I do miss my Celexa, but I was depressed being overweight too...is there a happy medium??
  • I couldn't possibly stop taking celexa b/c I use it for panic attacks...but I am on 20mg/day and I didn't gain weight on it :-| I gained maybe 10 pounds about two months after I started but that was due to unhealthy habits. It's been pretty easy to lose so far, too, while still on it. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones?
  • Celexa did not have an effect on my weight. Prozac on the other hand made me gain.
  • i was taking prozac and put on 30lbs on an div been off them a while and my weight has not gone down due to that iv had to diet and exercise alot to get some of it off i still have 22lbs to go
  • Anti psychotics are a dieters worst nightmare. I started Abilify back in 2008 & gained 51 pounds. I believe it messed with my bloodsugar (I had a fainting episode last year.) It was almost like the medicine controlled me! I've lost 11 pounds after stopping it.

    I'm currently on Prozac. Turns out I didnt need the antipsychotic crap. These drs are negligent..
  • I was on an AD med and an anti psychotic for 4 years. I gradually gained 40 pounds over those 4 years. Then, I decided to try to deal with my issues naturally. Within 6 months I lost about 20 pounds with zero effort. My appetite regulated and I had more energy so I guess I was just more active throughout the day.

    Then it wasn't really hard to lose 20 more lbs, I started walking as much as I could for exercise, cut out soda and most other calorie drinks, smaller portions, etc.

    I use meds now on an only as needed basis. Theses do make me tired and increase appetite if I have situations where I need to take them often, more then a couple days in a row for example, but it just takes some damage control if I've gained a couple lbs. One can cause depression, which can make me not care about exercise, overeat, stuff like that. I've been trying to take them less often and only when it's really necessary.

    Kudos to those who can maintain a healthy lifestyle while on these type of meds, it's difficult and takes a lot of hard work and motivation.

    I was barely 16 when I was put on these meds. I really think doctors should council their patients better about what the common side effects are and how to deal with them. Hello WEIGHT GAIN!! I was 16 years old, all I knew was that I was hungry all the time and ate too much junk and 25-30 pounds later, she said "You need to start watching your weight" Ohhh okay, thanks. I really wasn't paying attention, I was young and hanging out with friends, having a good time, catching glances in the mirror would surprise me cuz I was getting so big, but I kinda ignored it.

    Can you tell I'm bitter?? lol I know I should have taken better care of myself but I also think the doctors giving out the meds could put a little more effort into educating their patients about how to take care of themselves and what side effects to expect and prepare for.
  • btw, LLV I love your profile pic!

    Makes me want a donut lol
  • I was on Lexapro for a few years and gained about 40 pounds. My psychiatrist refused to acknowledge that my weight was an issue and just kept increasing my dose, while my other doctors were all insisting that I needed to lose weight ASAP. I was eighteen or nineteen and had absolutely no idea what to do, so I sat at home and was depressed even more because I was getting so big, which made my psychiatrist increase my dose, which made me get bigger...

    When I finally weaned myself off of the Lexapro (it took me a few tries) I dropped about 20 of the 40 pounds I gained. Since then I've been working at getting rid of the rest of the weight, and then some, since I was overweight even before I started the meds.

    I remember being on Lexapro - I would binge eat like nobody's business, and I didn't have the control to stop. I thought I was just weak, but when I eventually came off the meds I realized I suddenly had self control! Oh, the things the doctors won't tell you... I am bitter too.
  • please tell me this weight will come off....
    Hello everyone, It looks like its been awhile since there has been some action on this thread. Im desperate to hear about others weight loss experiences after stopping Celexa. I hear it just drops off for some, and others never loose the weight. I am a 35 yo woman, I have gained 40lbs in the year that I was taking the SSRI, and have been off of the drug for 3 weeks now. I have worked out strenuously while on and off of the drug and have eaten healthy foods, but the weight will not budge. I need to know this will come off eventually, Im miserable and uncomfortable at this weight....
  • Brutal AD weight gain
    Hello all,
    Ive been reading your posts about ur struggle with AD weight gain. I am currently going through the same thing. I gained 60 pounds in a year and a half by going on abilify and Zoloft. Now I have been off the drugs for 3 months but the weight will NOT budge.

    A timeline of your weight loss experience after getting off your ADs would be so so so greatly appreciated. I feel so hopeless about my weight right now like I will never get my body back. I am miserable at the weight I am right now and do not know how I will continue with life if I have to stay Permenantly this weight. I'm scared to see people or go to university because of this horrible, cruel, infuriating weight gain.

    I know these posts are from awhile back but I would LOVE at update on how the weight loss has gain. How long did it take to lose the weight??? How many months did you have to wait after stopping the drugs to start seeing the scale move??? A timeline of your experience would be so so so so so appreciated because I feel absolutely hopeless right now.

    Thank you so much.