3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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mothermavis 02-15-2012 09:50 PM

WOW Summer's Coming Challenge
OK Chicks, new challenge, this one will take us to the first day of summer!
Let's get ready for shorts, tanks and swimsuits!

For any newbies, the traditional copy and paste:

Women on... WHAT??

Okay, let me explain that "Women on WEED" is not what you might be thinking. During previous challenges, a group of us formed a great bond, and we've been challenge buddies ever since. We use the word "WEED" as a mnemonic device to set daily goals, an easy and very specific way to remind yourself during your day to take care of your body, and to nurture your Mind, Mouth and Muscles... it really does help. After all, we are all taking this a day at a time, right?

If you join this challenge, you will see it often - and you are encouraged to give it a try. Here's what it stands for:

W - Water intake. Set a daily goal for how much water you're going to drink. Although there is conflicting research as to how much to actually consume in a day, we all agree it is important to drink lots to stay healthy. So make it a goal!

E - Exercise. Efficient, healthy weight loss isn't going to happen unless you incorporate some kind of physical activity in your life. Everyone does it differently; some go to the gym, some work out at home, and some find ways to sneak in little bits of exercise all throughout the day. Set yourself a goal, even if it's small. Little bits done often WILL add up over time!

E - Eats. Being that we all have different eating plans and weight loss philosophies, this is sort of a wild card. Whatever plan you're on, set yourself a plan-appropriate daily eating goal for the day. Don't forget to make it specific!

D - Daily goal/Daily affirmation. This is another wild card. It doesn't even have to be weight-loss related! This is the spot where you list something you want to get accomplished. Or, you can use "D" for a a daily affirmation - it's an opportunity to say something good and positive about yourself. Sometimes, when we fall short - and we ALL do sometime - we are tempted to berate ourselves. Although it's good to recognize when we don't reach our goals, it's also good to remind ourselves of the awesome parts of ourselves. So go ahead and remind yourself of that in the "D" part of WEED.

Well here it is! Jump right in, tell us about yourselves, your goals, your home lives, your healthy plan, etc. We LOVE newbies! And we LOVE our regulars! Welcome back!

mothermavis 02-15-2012 10:10 PM

Hey all!

I plan on getting back to where I was a couple years ago, lowest was 145 or so, think maybe 148...I am shooting for 20 pounds, it's 18 weeks, so that is so do-able I can wrap my head around it!

W 100 every day......
E 10k steps, C25K again, WII Zumba
E 1200 calories a day
D Treating myself with respect. Making better choices.

Dottington 02-16-2012 12:48 AM

mavis-that seems totally doable! You can do it :carrot:

yay! I'm excited! :D

E-30min gym
D-another day for success!

mtiger 02-16-2012 07:44 AM

Good morning all. I am seriously thinking about this challenge and what I would like to accomplish. Ideally I would like to be in the 160's...a place I haven't seen yet. But in reality I would be happy to get back to the 170's. So my goal is a range. 10 pounds good.....20 pounds awesome. Anywhere in between would be great.

I was trying the higher calorie thing around 1700 and was gaining. Maybe because I wasn't working out. The last few days I've eaten 1400, no workouts and lost a few. Do you all think this is a reasonable answer?? Eat 1700 when I'm working out and 1400 when I'm not and see how it goes. Mix it up a little too and should keep my body guessing. IDEAS?????

Purplefirefly 02-16-2012 11:10 AM

I need to jump in here again. The "D" is of most important to me now, since I have been having heart problems and chest pain and am under doctor orders to slow down, relax, and stop being so stressed out. I am going to use the "D" to work on that, one challenge at a time. This is so much more than just losing weight to me now, so I feel I'm going to be successful this time around. It's a life or death thing...scary!

W: 4 bottles daily
E: 118 "miles"
E: Follow my Spectrum program
D: 1 hour "me time" and relaxation time daily

My exercise "miles" are simply 15 minute exercise sessions. I am using the webwalking program on about.com as motivation. It just appeals to me and I want to make it to the end. Rather than just walking and counting mile for mile (that would get boring) I am just counting every 15 minutes of exercise as a mile. I want to get through the second milestone for this challenge.

No weight goal for me. I am focusing on hitting these goals every day and I will see where that takes me on the scale.

Dottington 02-16-2012 12:57 PM

mtiger-I think 1700 when working out and 1400 when not seems perfectly reasonable :)

purplefirefly-good luck!

I'm so sore :) I have a meeting with pt today too...ugh...haha I think my goal for this challenge is to no longer have cheat days on the weekends. That's going to be hard for me, but I know I can do it :) Weight wise...I've been maintaining since working out more, but I am losing inches so I'm not so worried about weight loss right now. Although I really really really would love to finally get solidly into the 180s! :D

E-pt session
D-1/4 of the way to my mini goal!

magicalstasia 02-16-2012 04:26 PM

Hello all! I am getting back on the bandwagon after gaining all my weight back then some. Got married in October to the worlds best cook...but he likes his food fried, cheesy, and meat filled usually, so it has packed on the pounds. So my goals are:
W- Eight 8oz glasses a day which I used to be able to do with no effort. I am also going to incorporate a no soda rule into this goal.
E- I live in the city so walking has been my typically exercise lately, and it helps me get the hubby involved! My goal is to do 30-45 min a day, and do pilates when the weather is bad.
E- 1500 cal. AND move back towards a low meat/meat free lifestyle.
D- I LOVED the idea of a daily affirmation! I think mine will be a combination of journaling one positive about myself every day, and on weekends devoting time to writing. When I started having doubts about myself because of my weight I stopped writing (which is what my major was in school).
My overall weight goal is 175. Which is 25lbs away. I know the first 5 or so always "melt" off, so after that it's only a 20lb. goal.
I am super excited!

Purplefirefly 02-16-2012 11:29 PM

I met all of my goals but the food part today. Tomorrow is a new day...must get the food on track.

mtiger 02-17-2012 07:47 AM

Not much to tell. Allergies have kicked in big time and I feel like crap. Luckily for me I have a 4 day weekend. Better get my butt to the gym a few of those days.

mothermavis 02-17-2012 10:56 AM

Mindy, I have 4 off too. Need it badly! Hope your allergies improve.

PF, welcome back!!

Magicalstasia, great name, look forward to getting to know you!

Dottington, good luck with the PT!

Emi, Thin, Kris, Sherri, Jeni, Ti, Aud, Nurse Michelle.....miss you all and hope you come back soon.....

W 100, need to get on that today, days off I am not so good with my water. I will get it in though!
E Just took a walk on the dreadmill, maybe some WII later, definitely more walking
E POP, 1200 calories
D I am worth it, I am!

emiloots 02-17-2012 02:10 PM

Hey ladies -

Sorry for my intermittent posting, most days I don't even get on the computer after I get home. After everything's taken care of for the night it's already time (usually well past time) for bed! Been bad with the IF this week, but holding steady at 178 at least. Home with Miss Darcy for a half day because she's sick so I got a little computer time while she's sleeping :) My goal this challenge is to be in the 150's and to post my weigh-in's every friday.

Start (2/17): 178

Firefly - welcome back!

Magicalstasia - welcome to the group!

Dottington - great job with the PT!

Mindy - hope you allergies are better!

Mavis - 20 lbs...you can do it girl!

W - 100+
E - Walk the dog tonight
E - OP
D - Stop making excuses for myself!

Dottington 02-17-2012 09:47 PM


purplefirefly-hope the food went well today!

mtiger-ugh allergies are the worst :( I hope they clear up for you soon!

mavis-enjoy the long weekend :D

emi-good luck with IF this week and I'm sure you'll be able to make it to the 150s!

So.....I weighed yesterday at 185......185! ahhhh! Soooo happy :carrot: I feel like all my hard work is finally paying off. I just hope it stick!

E-rest day
D-don't go crazy just because you lost!

mtiger 02-18-2012 09:37 AM

I was such a baby last night but my husband said I needed to snort some nose stuff. He actually did it for me. I hated it but am I glad he did. I can breathe!!!!

I am hoping I am onto something here. 2 days ago, no WO and ate fewer calories. Yesterday I worked out and ate more. I have lost a little both days. I am hoping that I am on the right track. Only time will tell. :crossed: Now to stick with it over the weekend.

mothermavis 02-18-2012 10:54 AM

W 100oz
E C25K W2D1 complete, yay me!!!!!!!!!! Also did kneeling pushups 5/5/7/5
E POP 1200 calories
D Suck it up. You want it, you're gonna have to work for it.

Mindy, Yay for feeling better and losing!
Dottington, 185!! Woot!
Emi, glad to see you, hope Darcy feels better.
I am going to fast Tuesday & Thursday this week.

magicalstasia 02-18-2012 11:19 AM

Off to buy groceries with the new diet plan in mind...this ought to be fun!

mtiger- when my allergies strike, I usually try to ease them up with 1/8- 1/4 teaspoon peppermint oil in a cup of boiling water...then make a steam tent with a towel...sit 10-15 min....WORKS WONDERS! Just a tip!

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