So whole day. And many more to follow

  • A full day of eating when I was hungry, or eating when common sense told me I needed to. Not eating just because.

    My goal is to make it to the end of December without a binge. Seeing as the month is half over you would think "Oh that's easy!" But two weeks is actually a big deal. I want to end the year, and begin the next while on a binge free streak.

    Oh guess I should say Hi seeing as I'm new to the forums, and my first post in chicks in control.

    Hi I am Chrys, a compulsive overeater. I eat when I'm. well the only time I don't want to shovel food in my mouth is when I am in a massive depression. Other then that I have to fight with myself about it. So yeah, working on it!

    One day down, tomorrow will be day 2.
  • One day down is great, congratulations!!

    One day at a time and you can do it! Try not to think it as 2 weeks (and 2 weeks definitely is a big deal!) but as 14 days, one after the other.

    Good luck and so happy for you today!