Brand New, Evening Binges help appreciated

  • I have lost before, but since having a baby, I just can't get back to where I was. I do great all day at work/school then I eat the whole house when I get home at night, and it doesn't seem to matter at all if I save up calories for the end of the day, or eat multiple smaller meals throughout the day, I still de-stress by eating a ton in the evening...any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
  • I went through this for YEARS! Sometimes, I still slip into a small binge (usually when during calorie restriction) so I understand. Personally, I eat more later in the day bc I don't have the time earlier on. If I am craving something, I eat it. Just a little bit. That was huge for me. I would do anything to not eat it, would eat other things instead, to just end up eating that particular thing anyway. I save a good amount of calories that way. Also, I chew up or have a hard candy or something if I really craving. Frozen fruit is great too since it curbs sweet cravings and takes longer to eat. Drinking water or having some hot tea helps me.

    Another thing to do is to keep busy. I now work out late at night (ie anywhere around 11-12) which has been my witching hour with food. I can't eat if Jillian Michaels is telling me she wants me to feel like I'm going to die

    Good luck. You can def beat this.
  • until you figure out a permanant fix maybe you can try healthier foods to binge on ??

    crunchy - cucumbers or other favorite veggie
    low cal popcorn

    creamy - yogurt (lowfat vanilla )
    fudgesicle (no sugar added 40 calories a pop)
    sugar free instant pudding

    sweet - sugar free jello 10 calories a serving!
    baked apples with sugar cinnamon and fat free whipped topping like apple pie la mode without the crust and all the calories

    comfort food - make a big pot of soup in advance and freeze it .... low sodium chicken broth onions celery carrots and teeny bits of chicken with fresh herbs
  • The Beck Diet to train your brain to think like a thin person.
    This book was an awesome tool that is helping me get through and over my binges. You WILL learn the skills you need to conquer this issue. I have the most confidence in you.
    Smiles to you,
  • This is a tough one. I tend to fall into food when I get home, even on weekends or on vacation. One thing is to be sure you're getting in good nutrition during the day. don't 'diet', eat well, eat simple whole foods. Then...can you do something for yourself on the way home? I don't know if you drive or bus or walk, but how about
    some walking, window-shopping, listen to some music you like, take a different route . . . do something to de-compress before hitting the door, and when you get home have a big glass of water or seltzer. You may decrease the extent of the evening eating. And over time this will make a difference. Good Luck! You will get this . . .
  • I do exactly same thing, I am eating well when I am not at home and as soon as I come home - I get silly eating everything in my range! I regret the very minute I finish stuffing myself and promise myself not to do it again...and story begins again.
  • Hey, I'm new and I JUST finished an evening binge! I feel horrible and don't know how to stop. I was good all day and then bam! It's over. I have struggled with bulimia in the past and don't want to go back there-ESP after the dental work I had to get done because of it last year. I really don't have advice-but I hear you and know you're not alone.
  • Between about 3-5 every day the binge-cravings begin for me. I work from home, so there is nothing stopping me from pigging out, or even running to the grocery store (we have 4-5 within a 3 mile radius of us) for binge food. Can't say that I've "defeated" this behavior and I have a feeling it's just something I'm going to have to manage for the rest of my life.

    I will say that on days I have work-out classes (either Zumba or spin) right after work, I am much less apt to binge. My interim solution is to find classes every day at either 5:45 or 6:00. I also take walks during my lunch break, after eating, rather than sitting around or watching tv (or sitting at my desk working) and that helps.

    No silver bullet, at least for me. I've made lunch my largest meal, to keep myself from feeling deprived and I have also learned to "minimize" my binges a little (i.e., if I go to a grocery store to buy binge food, I buy much less than I have in the past -- I also don't buy junk food anymore, so if I stay home and binge on stuff here, it's normally not as's Kashi cereal, or buttered toast, popcorn, etc., rather than cookies, ice cream and chips).
  • Hey all, thanks for your words of wisdom. For now, I'm doing daily grocery shopping so that there is nothing in the house to eat except what I've already decided is OK. It's not a great solution, but I'll let you know how it goes.
  • I struggle with this too. I'm particularly susceptible when I'm extra tired. Even binging on healthy stuff makes me feel bad because it's the same messed-up mentality and that's what I want to get away from, ya know? I want to figure out "why" so I can avoid it happening altogether.

    When I get home from work, even though I ate my breakfast, I'm still tearing the kitchen up. Makes it painful for the rest of the day when I can barely eat.

    Gonna check out that book. Yeah. No advice. Just commiserating.
  • I have the exact same binge pattern... I do find if I have a small amount of what I am craving it helps better than eating everything else to keep away from that and eating it anyway in the end. I am trying to go to bed earlier, seems like I binge more late night especially when I am tired.
  • I try to keep water next to me sometimes it's thirst.When I'm watching my shows I get on my stat bike.I can't run to the frig during commericals if my feet are busy pedaling.I also chew sf gum to keep my mouth busy.If I'm really hungry I snack on veggie sticks or fiber one bar.i can relate to feeling badwhen i binge on even healthy foods
  • You have all said very wise things! Let me add my two cents: I could defeat my 3-4 pm binges by doing the following:
    A low-carb meal plan that kept my blood sugar low.
    Analyzing the feelings behind my cravings.
    Learning to relax.
    Giving myself little treats not and then --very small portions, and only sparingly.
    Breathe in, breathe out, and move towards a healthier lifestyle. In time your mind learns to turn to something else, like a child that is not given what s/he asks for by making a tantrum. And the longer you keep away from emotional eating, the easier it gets to see food as food and not as love, entertainment, relaxation, reward or punishment.
    You CAN do it, so start trying out what may work for you! You will find your own way out of it!
  • If you can, don't know how your home life is, when you get home from work, put on some soft music, light candles and take a loooong hot bubble bath, then decide on supper if you have not eaten supper by that time, the hot bath and soft music will help you unwind and you may not need to turn to food to de-stress.