Falling off the Wagon

  • For 2 + Weeks,I've been Nursing an extremely sick Sister Friend and haven't ate Nutritiously or checked my Blood Sugar as ordered.There is no time.She keeps me hopping from the time I arrive at her House until I leave!I tend to crave Chocolate during "that time of Month",but only give in *sometimes*.What helps is pretending the Chocolate Aisle doesn't exist.I've read Chocolate cravings can be a sign of a Magnesium Deficiency,so at my routine Doctor's Appointment next Month am gonna ask my Doctor to order a Test.I have come to far to re-gain the Weight I've lost,so MUST get a handle on this!
  • yes, I have heard that too...one cycle after I ovulated...that's normally when I crave chocolate...I was taking progesterone and shisandra complex...and I had NO chocolate cravings...so I wonder if the chocolate cravings come from stressed adrenals? don't know though.