Do any of you have a website?

  • Hi! I was wondering if any of you out there would post your website here for me? I like to look at them periodically for inspiration. I'm thinking about starting my own soon. Thanks!
  • I've thought about making my own also. Tummy actually got me thinking about it. Hers is pretty cool! I'll see what I can do to whip one up soon
  • Well, I'll post my farm site so you can see all my "kids"...
    I need to re-vamp it and update of these days I suppose I'll get around to it...
  • Why thank you Brenda, I got the idea from Holly (Gonzostar) in the 100lb club on this forum so it was more her doing than anything. It's definitely great fun, I highly recommend it!

  • Yep, but it's not about Atkins, except the recipes I have posted

    It's mostly about Interior Design, Home Improvement....
  • Here is mine. I need to change the colors, etc.. so it looks like crapola, but my journal is there, and also my before pic & a progress pic too. As soon as I take February's progress pic, I will put it up in my album. I have lots more that I need to add to it
  • I still have work to do on it. It's one I started a couple years ago and just decided to pick it up again lately. I'd like to add a couple more things like a pic's page etc.. so it's still under construction.
  • Those are all cool sites!!!

    I'm slowly building one so it has no pictures (except one of me) and just a bunch of writing. It's at:
    I'm hoping to work more on it every day and get it to looking decent. Each persons name I want to put some pictures in the "link" of their name. I think I've done well for only working on it at work yesterday
  • Hmm....I noticed some cool features on all your websites. Do you pay for yours??