Starting and need to get serious and have some success.

  • I have been putzing with this since January. I have not been very serious I will admit. I have had plenty of off days. But I need to change that now.

    I am using LoseIt! app and it recommends 1517 calories for me for 2 pounds a week. I would prefer 50 pounds a week but so far haven't found an app for that.

    I am planning on walking 2.5 miles every other day, that takes me around 45-50 mins, weigh 247 today.

    Does that seem like enough? Too much. I would really like to see some success to push my motivation. I am also going to try and limit my diet coke problem and push more water, just bought the big jug for my desk.

    Any suggestions?
  • I think that sounds like a great plan for you!!!

    I'd keep track of everything in your lose-it app. and check your status in 3-4 weeks or so. I'm sure you will see a difference! Just remember we don't measure everything just in pounds lost; we use our clothes fitting better, our blood pressure getting better, so many other measurements to check our success!!

    Definitely get in your 64oz of water/tea/coffee, you will feel great well-hydrated plus you will need it for your exercise too. A diet coke here and there won't hurt either, don't make too many drastic changes at once!

    Good luck!! I look forward to reading about your success!!
  • Ha!! futurerunner, I LOVE the "50lbs a week but haven't found an app for that"!! Fantastic!

    This sounds like a great plan. I have basically doing the same - losing the same 10lbs and gaining again.

    Good luck, maybe we can motivate each other.