How do you count calories for a marinade?

  • I'm not sure how I should count the calories for my marinade.

    It's 1/2 c of each of these: olive oil, red wine vinegar, lite soy sauce

    This marinates about 1 lb of chicken.

    I'm not sure how much of it I'm consuming if I eat 4-6oz of chicken. I bake it usually but not in the marinade.( I throw out the marinade or cook it and then throw veggies in it, but I know how to count that)

    How much oil and soy sauce do you think I need to account for? any ideas? I feel like maybe 1/2 tablespoon or less is absorbed.
  • measure the marinade once the chicken is out, take what is left and divide it by how ever many servings the chicken is?

    I have no clue Just throwing complicated ideas out there.
  • I have been counting marinades by a serving of 2 TBS. I read that's how they should be counted somewhere a while back. I've often wondered if I'm counting that right, it seems impossible for a 4-6oz chicken breast to soak up that much! If you find the answer let me know!!
  • I just count it all into the recipe and divide it per serving and just know that while it might say X calories, I actually had a bit less.

  • I do it the same way as apostrophe. If I was really concerned about it, I would measure and calculate everything before adding the chicken, then subtract what was left after the chicken to see how much was used. Divide that amount by the number of servings, or if you want to be even more precise,you can base it upon the amount of chicken for each piece.

    Say you have 1 cup of marinade. Calculate the calories for that. Marinate the chicken. Once the chicken is removed, calculate the remaining marinade calories and subtract form the original amount to get the total marinade being used. Weigh all of the chicken after cooking. You can calculate the information for plain baked chicken from any of the online calorie counters. Then you will be able to calculate the marinade used per unit of chicken. Then weigh your piece of chicken and you can calculate how much that piece plus marinade is. That is probably as close as a person can get it at home.

  • I count 1 T for any soy sauce, condiments and marinades, or BBQ sauce coatings. It doesn't matter if it is accurate, it matters more than one is consistent in counting calories than otherwise might be forgotten. If the coating is heavier...up it to 2 T. Marinades are mostly flavouring.
  • The problem with measuring the fluid left after marinating is that fluid is exchanged between the meat and the marinade. If the marinade is far different in calorie density than what is lost by the meat, your count will be off.

    Is the accuracy really that important? Most of the time probably not.

    What I do, as much for practicality as calorie accuracy (it saves money and waste) is to marinate foods in a plastic container or ziploc bag and use much less marinade, and marinate a little longer. The ziploc bag is ideal, because you can squish the meat around in the marinade, and turn the bag over several times during marinating to insure that the marinade is getting into the meat. So less marinade goes far further. By doing this, there's little or no marinade leftover, so it all can be counted and divided by the number of servings.
  • Thanks everyone...great tips that I'll use next time I marinate!