How often do you allow yourself to have "junky" food?

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  • I know we're all in this for the long haul, etc... But I'm wondering how often you allow yourself to have something with absolutely NO nutritional value in it at all?

    I've been at it two months and have had the following "junk"... 3 Starbucks, 1 donut (made me SO sick, won't be doing that again) and 200cal. worth of those strawberry/banana marshmallow candies...

    I don't think that's too bad really, cause if this is for life, it's gotta be doable, right?!
  • I get really hard on myself if I stray too often but I do get an occasional handful of chips or fries but very rarely...about once a month or less.
  • If I really want it, I will eat it by working it into my plan. That being said, as I traveled this road, I found myself wanting empty calories less and less. I knew that something had clicked when I started craving roasted vegetables instead of empty carbs.

    Now, I am much more likely to grab a more nutritional version of an old favorite (my high-protein oat bars instead of a cookie for example).
  • Kind of like counting down.

    I allow myself junky food every day, because I don't dis-allow myself anything, provided I keep within my calorie limits.

    However, without conscious effort I've become far more aware of the nutritional effects I'm having on my body and usually choose not to put junk in, and choose a healthy option instead.

    Not always! I ate an ounce of hard candy this afternoon just cos I could. It was lovely - but now I've got a hankering to have some totally wholefoods tomorrow.
  • honestly, i plan to be on track all the time and i make that the norm, so when i do want something off plan or i want a day off from the gym, its no big deal...i know ill be having those days where im just dying for twizzlers or something but i find by not planning for it and just letting it happen naturally i dont beat myself up over it and spend all the time i can tolerate, perfectly on plan
  • Not too often - the less I have it the less I want it so that helps.

    I had a chips ahoy last night & the last junk I ate before that was my mom's wedding cake on June 14th.
  • I don't consider Starbucks Junk as it's mostly milk calories, so for me worth it. I only use about 50cals worth of syrup "junk"

    I sadly admit I allow some small bit of junk just about every other day, but it's worlds better then I used to be so as long as I'm within my calories and I'm mostly filling up on healthy food I don't think it's an issue. I don't keep any of it in the house, so there isn't an out of control moment with it.
  • I was never much of a junk food eater. Homemade bread with butter is my junk food. But I make the bread and the butter so I just fit the calories into my day and because making the bread takes time, I don't have it in the house often.

    I'm more likely to take small sips of the grass-fed heavy cream that I buy to make the butter, but again I count the cals and don't buy it often.

    And I discovered that a teaspoon sized dab of real butter in with my pasta and veggies makes a huge difference in taste.
  • Quote: If I really want it, I will eat it by working it into my plan. That being said, as I traveled this road, I found myself wanting empty calories less and less. I knew that something had clicked when I started craving roasted vegetables instead of empty carbs.

    Now, I am much more likely to grab a more nutritional version of an old favorite (my high-protein oat bars instead of a cookie for example).

  • I occasionally have something if I really want it, but not everyday. I have a few drinks when I go out dancing, but I dance so much I burn it off. I eat a skinny cow ice cream treat a few times a week. Once in a while I REaLLY crave licorice and I keep some on hand for that.
  • This goes back to what my definition of "Junk" is...basically, food made with no effort or attention. So I eat unhealthy foods that aren't on plan (this weekend, for example, we had birthday cake for my sister's birthday, and I had a slice). But I don't really indulge in what I call junk (Hostess cupcakes, fast food, etc) very often at all. I'd rather spend those calories on food that is less healthy, but really well-made.
  • Hi there!

    I don't deliberatly work x amount of junky aka non-nutritional food into my day, per se. I WILL account for it and plan in advance for it when I choose to, but I don't HAVE to have it.

    For example: dinner party tonight -- I made a dessert recipe and planned it into my day.

    IF there was no dinner party, I wouldn't have planned the dessert.

    I won't have the left-over dessert tomorrow, either. DH will finish it off, because the dessert is fairly calorie-intense and I had to cut back seriously for the whole day just to fit it in, and I HATE doing that.

    And I don't plan, for example, x amount of treats in every day. They are just far too expensive on my plan, and I can use the calories more wisely and feel fuller with a healthy choice.

    And I don't feel one bit guilty about having dessert tonight! But I sure as HECK don't do this very often...

  • I too allow Junk food in my daily cal intake. But to keep myself happy, I have snack sized junk around. so I get my fill of "candy" or what have you, and I dont feel bad. I also keep dark (bitter) chocolate around. I love it for one, and 2 its not all bad for you, and usually after one piece Im a happy camper.
  • A few years ago, I read a tip somewhere called the "three bite rule" - when you get a craving, wait 5 minutes, and if you still want it, have only three bites. Supposedly there was some sort of evidence that three bites was what it took to satisfy a craving... This obviously only works if you can stop yourself after three bites!

    During the week, I have Edy's whole fruit popsicles for desserts, but on the weekends I do allow myself to get Cold Stone or cake, guilt free. I'm pretty sure I'd go crazy otherwise.
  • Quote: I don't consider Starbucks Junk as it's mostly milk calories, so for me worth it. I only use about 50cals worth of syrup "junk"

    I sadly admit I allow some small bit of junk just about every other day, but it's worlds better then I used to be so as long as I'm within my calories and I'm mostly filling up on healthy food I don't think it's an issue. I don't keep any of it in the house, so there isn't an out of control moment with it.
    I should clarify... Mine are junk! lol!!! I get a double shot of espresso syrup, whip cream, chocolate shavings, etc... BUT it is worth every calorie when I do have it!!! Yum!!!