Just another stretch mark/loose skin post

  • Hey!
    Alright so this post needs a little background story: I was in great physical shape roughly 2 years ago, but in between I gained weight rapidly, and am now in the process of losing it. I obviously have quite a few stretch marks - but have been consistent about using creams to keep my skin hydrated as well as consuming plenty of water and taking supplements - collagen and hair,skin,nails. Should I expect them to fade and tighten up as I loose the weight? - I wasn't heavy for that long and I even though I was heavy I wasn't huge (I'm 5'10, and i weighed about 220) and I think that I may have age on my side as well (I'm 21)... anyways, I often get so discouraged - I mean I literally cry over these marks on my body I'm so worried that my body is ruined. Should I expect excess skin? Will the stretchies fade? What is a girl to do?
  • So many things factor into whether or not you get stretch marks. Gaining weight quickly, genetics, the amount of time you spent over weight, how you take care of your skin, and even how quickly you lose weight.

    The good news is...I have NEVER had a stretch mark that didn't fade over time. Sure, I can see them because I know exactly where to look...but nobody else would be able unless they were too close for my comfort.

    Focus on the POSITIVE things you're doing with your body! The rest will fall into place.
  • i heard that cryotherapy can help with that u should try
  • Sorry to hear]=
  • trying a get abs program .. maybe it can help
  • ABS really reate type of programs.


loose skin, stretch marks, weight loss