The Biggest Loser Show Discussion Thread

  • Hi y'all....I thought I would start a new thread to discuss the show and the contestants.

    If you want to see the bios of the participants from each state, go to

    I'm cheering for the gal from Indiana--she is from a smallish town very close to my home town!

    Who are you cheering for?
  • Looking at some of the female faces I'm surprised at how thin some of them look. Am I the only one annoyed that the biggest of girls on all these weight loss shows rarely excels 250? There might be a one or two over that in this bunch finally... we shall see tonight but most of them look smaller.

    Just irks me that they pick huge guys and not girls... I bet you it's because they are looking for that "WOW" at the end when the girl is "normal" size. No matter how many lbs a 300lb girl loses in one of these shows she's still going to be overweight in americas eyes.

    Okay sorry maybe I'm just irratated this morning, but it does bug me having been 300 just a few short months ago. People tend to underestimate what you can do and what you are capable of. (Example when I asked people for exercise DVD suggestions the common answer was CHAIR dancing. C'mon!)

    I started off my exercise program with the Bob + The Biggest Loser DVD, so I look forward to seeing the show tonight!
  • whats up muse?
    im having a crazy insane day which is why ive not been here today
  • Idealmuse, I definitely understand where you are coming from! Granted, there are some 300 lb women that aren't able to do more than chair dancing, but alot of us can! When I was at my highest weight (340) I was DANCING in a musical in community theatre four nights a week for two months--one of the numbers was a TAP number at that!

    It's too bad TBL won't consider a 300 lb woman. The closest to that, if I recall correctly, is one of the ladies in the engaged couples competition (the taller gal on the red team).