Jillian Michaels Shape-Up Front

  • Oh man, I wanted a tape that I would feel the next day and did I get my wish. I have been doing tapes that don’t push me and then I get discouraged cause there are no visible results. I only managed to do about 20 minutes of it but I like it, It cycles through sets quickly so it is interesting, and boy it had me and hubby panting. I can feel my legs today though.
    I really think I will see results fairly quickly if I do this workout regularly and lose the 8 pounds I regained while sick and the rest of it too.
  • I know what you mean....I barely made it thru her warm up!!
  • I agree...and yeah I agree about the warm-ups too! After the warm-up, she said "you should be warmed up now." I was just like "WHAT!! That was a warm-up?? No more please!!" LOL...I was ready to be done halfway through the warm-up. Those standing mountain climbers kill...it feels like my lower back is gonna break when i do it though...it like pops when i land on each foot.
  • can you buy this ??? can you tell me where?
  • i got mine at Best Buy. Lots of people said you could get it at Wal-mart, but every Wal-mart I went to didn't have it. Borders book store also has it. good luck finding it!
  • amazon has it, too.
  • I read online that you need light hand weights and a step stool for the videos. Is this true?
  • You need hand weights and a step for it but you dont absolutely have to have them I dont think. I got mine at Wal-Mart.
  • I got both the front shape-up and the backside dvd in a 2 dvd set at Borders. Inside my dvd set was a free coupon for her kickboxing dvd. This was a no brainer as I LOVE her dvd's!!! I shoud be getting it any day.