TEAM ANNOUNCEMENTS - Biggest Loser Fall into Fitness 2013 Challenge

    335.4 mountain mama
    291 Nightkatt
    262.8 findingfawn
    255 Iowa Bette
    253 Elizabeth779
    245 Ficklehearts
    224.9 cleancowgirl
    226.8 Nixmom
    215.8 SuperHeroTeacher - Red Team Leader
    210 Narnia99
    199 EofAZ
    194 KayakGal
    189 nlauah
    187.4 Riddy
    183.4 Jillie422
    176 Rated
    162.4 maryshady
    170 Novus
    150 Dahlia55

    388 Haley8203
    323 t0rn
    281 OnMyOwn1981
    258.6 susyquk
    258 LeslieB - Blue Team Leader
    252 pearlfit
    243.4 Only believe
    232 zenimaur
    231.8 Nagazim
    224 Paintedlady
    194 Doragone
    192.6 Robot
    184.4 sarainMN
    184 seaurchin
    172 Secret Swan
    171 LittleBlueCat
    170 hiddenstar
    169.6 Bigmid - Blue Team Leader

    Please go to the threads titled Red Team Fall into Fitness 2013 Weigh In and Blue Team Fall into Fitness 2013 Weigh In, and copy and paste the dates for the weigh in into the thread for your team. You will come back each week and edit that post with your weight for the week. Please remember you must use your starting weight that you signed up with (see above), no exceptions.

    Good luck everyone!!!