Blue Team BP Last Chance Workout Week 10 (8/02-8/08)

  • Last Chance Workout

    For an effective weight loss program it is important to incorporate exercise as well as making better dietary choices. While any kind of exercise is good for you, it has been proven many times over that just cardio or just strength training isn't the way to need to have a combination of both, with a little bit of core focus as well. So as you plan out and track your exercise this week, be sure to get in 2-3 strength workouts and 2-3 cardio sessions. And don't forget about those abs! Copy and paste the follow format and come back throughout the week to edit your original post. Let’s get busy!!

  • Monday-rest days steps - 8630 - 464 cal - 3.13 miles
    Tuesday-walk/run days steps - 13060 - 702 cal - 4.74 miles
    Wednesday-C25K W3D2 days steps - 16198 - 871 cal - 5.87 miles
    Thursday-walk 40min days steps - 15585 - 838 cal - 5.65 miles
    Friday-C25K W3D3 days steps - 13153 - 707 cal - 4.77 miles
    Saturday-days steps - 10700 - 575 cal - 3.88 miles
    Sunday- 10 hr drive days steps - 5008 - 269 cal - 1.81 miles
  • I am color coding my workouts so that I can add them up per category,(for my blog), at the end of the week quicker.
    Green = circuit, (cardio & weights)
    Magenta = cardio
    Orange = Weights
    Purple= abs
    Blue = floorwork
    Dark red = stretch

    Workout days: 3/3
    Workout mins: 152

    Monday-Stairmaster (34) +abs (8) = 42 total mins.
    Tuesday - The Firm's Tough Tape 2 (45)+Cathe Friedrich's 4 Day Split Weight Segment for chest & back (25)= 70 total mins.
    Wednesday - Stairmaster (34) + abs (6) = 40 total mins