I See Summer Ahead(cause my piles of stuff are smaller)Beck DECLUTTERS:Mar 21-Jun 21

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  • Hi Tami!

    I'll be interested to see your list...I should do one too. Kudos for accomplishing chores before heading out for a beautiful day.

    I cleaned and decluttered in my mom's small abode this morning...and picked up a bit at my house. Got her a new blind last night and installed it right away instead of waiting. credit.
  • I'll jump straight in with my list for today:

    Basics: Level one (Bins, tidy, laundry, dishes) and 2 level two jobs (bathrooms & ironing)
    Declutter: scan/sort in trays (quite a build up!); spare bedding at least one drawer or cupboard
  • Hi Zeke! It's great that you're joining us here!

    Today's 1-2-3

    1. old clutter (yesterday) I spontaneously got 3 sets of old world history books from mom's to the car. I was originally embarassed to drop them all at the library at once but once I got there *sucked up* and hauled them all in. credit.

    2. current clutter-I've been keeping up with my morning pickup including bed making

    3. clean-washed several of mom's windows on the outside....then did two of mine, too. (I reminded myself I need to do stuff for me, too, not just for mom)

    I've been making an "AppleSlabPie" for several years now at Easter. I love baking it and the only time it will get eaten is at a big potluck. (7# of apples) It's a big process so I decided to measure out some ingredients today as a time saving step. Good thing....I didn't have enough minute tapioca. Whew...organization saves the day. Mom and I made a trip to the store which wouldn't have been possible at 5 tomorrow morning.

    Happy Easter!
  • Happy Easter Friends! Wishing you many blessings of joy and love this beautiful day. Grateful for the beautiful sacrifice of Christ!

    Cooking out today, will find things to do but glad the kitchen is in great shape from all the little movements.
  • Hi!

    Pie making was super fun this morning because after I prepped all the ingredients yesterday I asked DH if he would prep both counters and he did. credit for asking him. We cleaned up together as we went through the stages and now the entire kitchen is clean and I've just taken the pie out.

    While the pie was baking I did my 1-2-3

    current clutter-picked up and made bed
    old clutter-I went through a drawer and pulled 3 mismatched gloves to take to the other side. If there is no match I will pitch them.
    clean-cleaned kitchen AND (yesterday forgot to report) I enjoyed my super clean vitamix container. We have yuk water here and it gets all stained...looks bad. I scrubbed and finally the one hour soak w/bleach did the trick. Just like the kitchen sink (thxflylady)

    I will clean some more at mom's today
  • The Return of Landlord aka Motivation
    Decluttering Coaches

    I had figured I'd be back at the decluttering thing the first week of April, and as if on schedule Maz, my nosey landlord, knocked on the door asking us if we had ants and saying as he always does, I don't mean to tell you what to do but (I'm going to tell you what to do). Then he told us to move our stuff out of the shared entryway (shoes, snow shovel, salt) because he wanted us to make a good first impression on the new tenants who are moving in upstairs tonight. Apparently FIVE people are moving in. OMG this means Maz will surely be around a lot as I anticipate things needing to be fixed etc.

    Maz drives me nuts.

    We have had ants for two springs and then they go away. It's like a spring thing and they never stay. Maybe the tenant downstairs and the new one upstairs will draw his attention to it and this will mean a visit in our place to see if we have them. And this leads me back to having a place I am embarrassed and ashamed of. So, time to re-focus and fix it. I'm really ready to get back into it. I feel I have been off-track for a long time.

    Thanks everyone for posting.
  • Hi declutterers!

    Yesterday I really and truly "felt" the relationship between decluttering and losing/maintaining weight. I can't really put it into words yet but everything was simple and manageable. We baked and cleaned up after ourselves....I had time to clean at mom's before church then when I realized it was time to get ready...my clothes were clean and accessible. I just didn't have that tug all day of things unfinished. Most of my success has been accomplished by doing something small every single day. I'm grateful to be in a routine and very mindful that it is still easy for me to slack off, too.

    This morning I did my 1-2-3 despite a percieved shortage of time
    current clutter-picked up and packed
    old clutter-I went through all my precious things (jewelry, etc) and packed them up. I'll take them with me since someone pryed on the door at some point this winter.
    clean-scrubbed kitchen sink

    Gotta run...DH wants a ride to his workout.
  • Hi all!

    OnebyONe: A cranky landlord would motivate me as well. I am so ready for a nice spring day, wondering if you are feeling the same way?

    Lexxiss: What awareness about the internal integration of the "felt sense" of two strong values coming together. You know something is right, just feel'in it.

    ""This morning I did my 1-2-3 despite a percieved shortage of time!""

    SO LOVED THIS PART. Our preception can keep us stuck!!
  • Off from work this morning and putting on my tennis shoes and cleaning 2nd floor and 1st floor. A garden variety of chores to knock out. I have my trusty timer that is set for 30 minutes at a time. It helps me to stop and pause at the 30 minute mark to see all that I have accomplished.

    Lexxiss: I love Lexxiss! She looks so loyal and loving. What a blessing that you had her in your life.
  • too cold for studio

    Hello. It's too cold to work in my studio this morning (-3 right now) so I've opted to stay home. Besides getting some artwork made, I am going to
    deal with

    a)new clutter = dishes 15 minutes worth
    b)old clutter = all boxes in the dining room window

    c) declutter = rearranging furniture: I'd like to move the new small bookcase to below the dining room window today. I need to clear out our hallway.

    I'll be back to update, and post a detailed plan.
  • Hi!
    to you both . I am at work. Was so tired last eve n didn't get unpacked. DH was awful n grumbly to me in am . He went back to bed. I did my 1 2 3 and found it relaxed me and I felt less angry. Credit
  • will see the landlord tomorrow *SIGH*

    Well, my fears materialized quickly. Guess there's something wrong with the upstairs bath/bathroom. I was waiting for DH to arrive home early so we could take Looloo to the vet for her fluids and exactly when he got home the light fixture in the kitchen ceiling started dripping, the streaming, water. I grabbed the small compost bin (it was empty) and the water gathered into it. I think about 4-5 cups worth. Wehad to get Looloo taken care of so we did that first and then we had to call the landlord given how unreasonable he was when we had the toilet issue I just thought he has to know cause I don't want him coming back on us down the line. He already knew. DH talked to the new neighbours and they said they'd called him and he was coming out tomorrow to have it fixed. This means he will want to see the kitchen. FFFFfffffffffft.
    I started crisis cleaning: removing grime from te appliances and the floor and tossed dishes into the sink to soak and cleaned up the cat dishes. It's all ok except for the mountain of boxes and our general clutter. I think I might hit the roof if he says even one peep. However, the new neighbours put so much into perspective. They are from Syria. Lucky to escape the war they said. A touchy landlord, a sickly kitty and too much stuff all really pale in comparison to that. Made me grateful for my life here. I like them.

    Oh yeah, still freezing cold here so won't go to the studio until Thursday when it's supposed to be 10C. So since I'll be around I can get at the decluttering once more. Did not do anything beyond he crisis cleaning after the leak.

    Oh well. Have a good night.
  • Hi!

    onebyone, crisis cleaning is progress forward! As you move forward keep reminding yourself that if you keep working on things the day will come when it will no longer be a crisis! I never thought I'd get there but it is happening.

    Today's 1-2-3
    old clutter-did some paperwork for mom that has been put off for awile
    current clutter-done
    clean-cleaned cat barf off bedroom carpet...all I could manage today

    My greatest benefit of keeping up right now has been the addition of a 15 minute exercise routine. A reminder that decluttering does help me with my weightloss. credit

    Work...gotta run!
  • OnebyOne: Sending good vibes for a day of decluttering and cleaning. I hope it warms up so it will be easier to work in your art studio.

    Lexxiss: My biggest aha moment yesterday was all these little tasks/errands/projects were hit head on with the thought, "How long will this really take you?" I am almost detaching from the emotion or the task and just in the groove of getting it done. Over and Over. I have to say that I am elated that I had that experience as it kicked that procrastinating part right in the tush.

    Was up at 5 am as a good friend of my DS was in a car accident. He was on scene and pretty upset. Helped hold space to calm him down and then started my day since there was no way to get back to sleep.

    Laundry done - 2 loads.
    Winter coats - hung up and put away .
    Breakfast - Lunch made of DD

    Will be packing for a trip with my little sister to Florida on Saturday. I want my frig cleaned and my house in order so I can leave peaceful.
  • Crisis Cleanup Plan for April 3, 2013.
    Decluttering Beck Coaches

    After breakfast and after a short pep talk with my sister on skype, I am starting my crisis cleaning exactly as this outlines:

    OK talked with her and will make quick breakfast and then dressed to shoes with makeup and music on and off to create some order out of chaos.

    *during process: put things into give away boxes/trash/keep piles if I see some of that kind of thing.*

    1- wash dishes DONE
    2-dry and put away dishes DONE bonus wiped all the cupboards around the sink area
    3-clean off counters by putting stuff away that's sitting out
    4-wipe counters down
    5-wipe down major appliances
    6-wipe down minor appliances

    7-wash kitchen floor

    PLAN: Hallway
    8-clear out entry hallway by moving small bookcase out of there
    9-line/straighten up shoes DONE
    10-move items between kitchen doorway and bathroom doorway
    11-straighten up/declutter bookcase on one side of hallway
    12-straighten up/declutter bookcase on opposite hallway
    13- deal with shelving unit crammed into the corner
    14-remove/gather items that need to go to my studio
    15-put studio items into car for drop off tomorrow
    16-drop donation items off
    17-buy some fresh flowers for the counter.

    7/17 completed

    UPDATE/THOUGHTS: all the blue bits took 5 hours total for me to do. I finshed about 30min before DH got home from work. I started around 11. The landlord never dropped by and the plumber and the landlord couldn't get upstairs cause the tenants were out <?> so no fix for the leak, but as I write this, it hasn't leaked in a few hours. I'm too tired to deal with the mopping. The mopping part would be fine but making the water, and cleanign the clean up stauff after just dains my energy thinking about it. I'll get to it tomorrow along with the rest of my list but priority #1 is my print in my studio. It should be a good day for it.