This really, really works!!!!

  • I have been a career dieter, with most of my success coming from Weight Watchers. I am currently at 224lb and was at one point under 180. I found my life spinning out of control-40 years old and afraid to have pictures taken of me, aches and pains popping up, always tired, hot and hungry. I have tried EVERYTHING-Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers, hypnotism, just exercising, etc, etc, etc. and could not stay committed to anything. I would always feel too hungry and give up. After reading this book, applying the principles, and re-reading it daily, I have been able to re-start Weight Watchers painlessly. I no longer have uncontrollable hunger and cravings and I have found some incredible strength from within to do this. This book lets you pick whatever diet you want and, in a way, takes you by the hand and tells you exactly what you need to do to re-think everything you do that leads to "falling off the wagon." I cannot recommend this book enough to those who can relate to my situation. Do yourself a favor and get this book-it should be the last book you'll need to buy!!!!