After re-reading NDR 2002 some key things that stood out to me

  • Just thought I would share some key things that stood out to me mostly regarding induction, after I re read the book up until the point of OWL. I have not re-read OWL and further yet because I just needed to have a reconfirmation of what I am doing now. Anyway these seemed like some of the things people were asking about or wondering about and I thought I would share. And of course Jersey Girl does a wonderful job with induction basics.

    ketosis without caloric restriction poses no danger to your heart, kidneys, blood or bone health. *** so does that mean that with caloric restriction it does?

    I cannot stress strongly enough that trying to do a low-fat version of Atkins will interfere with fat burning and derail your weight loss.

    However, certain sugar alcohols such as maltitol do not affect blood sugar and are acceptable. **Jersey girl has posted a thread all about sugar alcohol. This is a very good source of information.

    To add variety, each day you can also eat ten to twenty olives, half a small avocado, one ounce of sour cream or three ounces of unsweetened heavy cream, as well as two to three tablespoons of lemon juice or lime juice. But be aware that these foods occasionally slow down weight loss in some people, and may need to be avoided in the first two weeks. If you seem to be losing slowly, moderate your intake of these foods.

    Convenience Foods
    Although it is important that you eat primarily unprocessed foods, some controlled carb food products can come in handy when you are unable to find appropriate food, can't take time for a meal or need a quick snack. As I mentioned earlier, more and more companies are creating healthy food products that can be eaten during the Induction phase of Atkins. Just remember two things:
    1. Not all convenience food products are the same, so check labels and carbohydrate content. I can vouch for any product carrying the Atkins brand name! (See Chapter 19 for more on these convenient options.)
    2. While any of these foods can make doing Atkins easier, don't overdo it. Remember, you must always follow the Rules of Induction.

    • Limit sweeteners to three packets a day.
    • If you use lipolysis testing strips to measure ketone output, be sure to do so at the same hour each day.
    • When looking at food labels, be aware that "low fat" generally means "high carb."
    If you start Induction before or during a menstrual period, it may take longer for weight loss to register.
    • Try not to weigh yourself every day, and, if possible, aim for just once a week.
    Don't make the common mistake of eating less fat to get into ketosis; the opposite is actually true.

    And not to plagiarize ... this information came from Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution 2002, E-book format. The only thing that actually came from me are in red.
  • All very good points.

    As to the caloric restriction - I really believe that on atkins or any other low carb diet, it is possible for some people to overdo it on calories. I think that monitoring your intake is smart. But, think about it - if you're most sated on fat and protein, and you cut your calories dramtically, all you're going to be able to eat is a few pieces of meat- and in the long run, that is NOT healthy.

    Don't eat 4500 calories a day, but of course, eat more than 1200, or aim for whatever your RDA is
  • I pretty much eat what ever I want to as long as its ok in the induction (including the veggies I am suppose to eat) and I usually only get about 1300 cals with only watching my carbs. But this diet is supposed to be a lot of veggies not just meat. Fat comes from other things than meat when you are doing atkins right. And this diet is way more healthy than being over weight.
  • [QUOTE=Radiojane;4929
    As to the caloric restriction - I really believe that on atkins or any other low carb diet, it is possible for some people to overdo it on calories. [/QUOTE]

    Hallelujah to that - cream, cheese, cream cheese, bacon... Indeed, it's easy to go overboard especially for women in their 40s and beyond.

    Nice post!
  • Quote: Hallelujah to that - cream, cheese, cream cheese, bacon... Indeed, it's easy to go overboard especially for women in their 40s and beyond.

    Nice post!

    Yes of course if you just eat that kind of stuff you can defiantly over do it I am just saying if you remember the moderation that Dr. Atkins talked about you probably wont be hungry enough to anyway lol
  • Radiojane/Sarah - totally agree!! I am that person who can overdo it!! HA!! Struggle with portions everyday and think about food all the's a journey!!!
  • I really got a lot out of reading Jenny Ruhl's Diet 101 book - in addition to the reality check about dairy (concentrated form of calories easy to overdo) she also has a lot about why low carb dieters gain weight so quickly when they go off the diet - basically a lot of us get used to the high fat. And instead of dialing back fat when we start to eat high carb (like we probably did before this WOE) we slather thick butter on our bread, etc - and explode calorie counts and pounds...

    I think some people can eat unrestricted on Atkins and do fine, but he longer I'm at this (started low carb in 2009) and the more I see of the low carb community, I think most long term successful people have to dial back from what they "want" to only consume what they find reasonable...

    And if I could eat moderately I probably wouldn't have weighed over 200 pounds for 20 years...
  • I guess maybe my question was more at what point does low carb and calorie restriction become unhealthy, if not restricting your calories while low carbing is ok. Thats really all I wanted to know. I don't so much watch mine but I really don't eat anywhere near what I used to, but honestly with all the veggies I eat and how full I am thats not hard to do.
  • I think that's how most people do it - it's certainly how I started. When I stopped losing at a pace that was motivating, the first thing I did (and still do) is I started paying more attention, started tracking my food. And my tracker to give me carb counts automatically gives me calories, protein, fat.

    And when I get stalled or need more motivation, I read. I've read GCBC at least 3 times, and many other low carb books. Several of which start to mention calories (even Atkins asked people to eat limited quantities of certain foods and eat to satiation not fullness).

    If you're still losing well not tracking anything then for sure don't change! If you reach a point where the losses slow or stop, that's when getting real with yourself on counts etc can be insightful.

    BTW, most of the time I don't track either - but that's only after tracking for a few weeks at my target levels so I "know" what a day should look like - and I do try to track one day a week to keep it real - it's always enlightening...