how often do you visit this site?

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  • A couple of times people have started and closed threads very quickly here. Islandgirl recently started and closed a thread in less than 24 hours. Someone else had closed one when no one responded in a day. I for one only visit every 2-3 days. Especially after weekends people may not check in for a while.
    please don't get put out if people don't jump in immediately, this isn't a chat room. We want to support you and are interested in what you have to say.
    Please give people time (like 3-4 days) to respond to you! you may be surprised.
  • I quit using this site for a while.

    And then I made a new account and I'm back on.
    I get on a little bit each day.
  • I visit almost every day even if I don't have time to post. I need the support, connections and commitment I find on this site. I appreciate it more than you know, Atkins Buddies.
  • When I first joined (in 2007? I think) I visited rarely. Maybe once every two weeks. Well, you see how well THAT worked out for me. When I came back last year, I'd visit once or twice a week. Lately, it's been every day, and that seems to keep me on track better.
  • I visit almost every day.
  • tonight i was seriously contemplating starting a thread about being addicted to 3fc. i have to work on managing my time better...or sometimes at all lol. i can't keep multiple windows open, but if i could. i probably would just keep one open all day for this site. there's another forum i was constantly checking before this, but now people hardly post. i love the support on this forum. celebrating nsv's. challenges. i just wish there was more activity in the exericise threads. i understand though, for most people the emphasis is on the food, what kind, how much etc. that works for them.

    i try to be understanding of people. most people are super busy, and losing weight at all is a victory with everything they have going on. i'm sure lots of people only have time to check the site once a day or even less. it does get frustrating if there's a question, and no one answers for a little while, but i wouldn't close the thread. it also takes time to figure out where the question/story really belongs. and some sections of the forum just have more traffic than others.

    i just noticed this is in the atkins section. i'm not on atkins, i just use the new posts button alot. so this came up.
  • Well I've been checking it out for some time now. Officially joined today, and I've been checking back even more.
  • Many times a day, on days when I work from home.
    I go first to the homepage, where you see the newest thread titles, and click on any and all of them where either it interests me, relates to me or I think I can respond.
    Then I go to the 100lb club, my main 'home'. I read that pretty thoroughly, although I don't always have a reply.

    At some times of the day, the site is very busy, and the new threads list changes very quickly, so for me, unless the post is in 'my' section, if it sinks of that new list, then I'm unlikely to see it.
  • at least a few times a week, sometimes daily.
  • Hey guys,
    Me closing the thread had nothing to do with how often people are on3FC or whether they join the thread. I just got to thinking that since I post my ups and down on my daily blog that I was doing double work So my apologies if I have offended anyone by closing that thread
  • I love new posts! Start posting more and I promise to reply!!!
  • island girl, I'm glad it wasn't because you were feeling unanswered.
    that has happened before, so I guess I was assuming. Interesting too how we all come and go with varying frequency.
  • I am on here every day, several times a day. If something comes up and prevents me from checking in (rarely but sometimes on the weekends) I feel like I'm missing something. Sometimes I check things from my phone.
  • When I first joined I didn't come very often and then not at all... However, since I've really gotten serious this last time I've been here everyday at least once or twice a day. I love the support, seeing the success and nsv's of really encourages me to keep going!
  • I check several times a day, I'm a bit addicted....