I'm SO SO glad I decided to dive into Atkins finally!


    I feel so good. And this is SO much easier than what I was doing before. I don't have to pour over the menu when I'm eating out with friends or look like a weirdo eating my salad with just vinegar. I was going lots of weird unneccesary things before this!

    Just a few days on induction and my face has cleared up again who woulda thunk with all that fat? I'm down another stubborn (and they're SO stubborn at this point) pound... and haven't felt the urge to cheat even once.

    My friends and I went to Chili's the other day and I had the chicken wings and a side salad. My friends thought I'd fallen off the wagon! Nope, not even a little bit and it was awesome!

    I haven't been hungry at all. I don't understand why anyone would want to eat any other way? This is awesome. I wish I'd just done it this way from the beginning!

    Oh well... I'm here now
  • Valrock, your success is awesome. You're a real inspiration to those of us who have lots of weight to lose. I'm glad you found Atkins - it really is a great way to eat!
  • I'm glad your so happy! I feel the same, I was stuck and my weight wasn't moving no matter how much calorie counting or weight lifting I did.

    Atkins has knocked me down to awesomely low weight in only a months time.

    Keep up the inspiration!
  • Atkins, is the only way to go!!! and congratulations on your 89 lbs. Wow that is amazing!! Keep up the good work!!

  • I'm living proof Atkins works...not only to get the weight off, but, to keep the weight off! I can't believe its been 6 & a half years! I love this WOE!
  • Congrats Val! That's awesome. Keep up the great work and keep sharing more amazing recipes. I think I might stick to this even after vaca. I'm not really sure how I'm doing so far b/c I think my scale is off a bit since I brought it here, but I haven't had any bread, pasta, rice or any dessert/sweets.
  • congratulations!

    isn't it funny when people think you've fallen off the wagon! they can't believe it when u tell them nope, this IS on the diet!! LOL