Do you ever plan for a cheat (or all out going off the plan)?

  • Well, I got sick two weeks ago today, and yesterday was the first day I felt even close to good again. It was a bad one, and I am terrible about doing Atkins when I am sick, that's actually the only time I really crave carbs. So I've been doing it half-heartedly while I was sick. But today I'm going out to lunch with some girlfriends for a birthday and we're going to my favorite resturant and I already know I'm ordering the lobster ravioli, LOL! So, the last few days I've noticed I've been less carefull because I knew I had this "cheat" coming up. Does anyone else do that? I didn't even realize really that I was doing it. Anyway, tomorrow back on strict induction and hopefully by the time I earn my ticker I'll have something to show on it...
  • Sometimes an all-out cheat day is good for a few reasons. One, it can boost your metabolism after you've been restricting carbs or calories and your body has gotten too used to this level of intake. It reminds your body that it can kick its metabolism into gear and get back to burning energy at a faster rate... and then when you do return to diet levels, the metabolism is already kicked in.

    Second, it's just good psychologically. I find I stick to my plan better when I can look into the foreseeable future and know I will be able to indulge some other day. I think to myself, "this carrot cake looks good right now, but it will be REALLY good when I let myself have it next month."

    So, I say, go for it!
  • I agree, a good carb up day kicks everything back into motion. Just like Weight Watchers has the Wendy plan, we need a carb up day. Just so you go right back to a regular low carb method it will be okay. I do this about 2 times a month, and I have been steady with losing....

    Highest weight 208#
    Today's weight 163#
  • Personally...for me, a "cheat day" is a total recipe for disaster. I know myself better than anyone, once I get a taste for something I know I need to stay away from...its downhill from there. The cheat day turns into another cheat day...which in turn leads to a cheat week...which in turn leads to a cheat month. Almost 5 years ago when I decided to lose weight I knew the key to success was to make this a total lifestyle change. When I read the Atkins book, the comment that stood out was "just one little taste is the kiss of death"...for me this is oh so true. I am not a person who can eat in moderation...if I were, I'd have never gotten up to 245 lbs For me, nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
  • I don't see anything wrong with a day of indulging, but I don't like calling it a cheat day. Life isn't meant to be perfect, and neither are we. I think it's normal to be hungrier one day than another or to have something you don't usually have once in awhile. That's just a normal way of eating. Once you start naming it "cheat" it takes on a negative connotation. I've finally gotten to the point where I don't think of certain foods as good or bad. Everything in moderation and you will lose or maintain.
  • I don't want anyone to pick up bad habits from me or get any ideas. BUT! This weekend I ate cake, a couple of scones, a couple of small cookies and other "bad" stuff. Today I went down to 163. I didn't "plan" for a cheat and I AM back on schedule but I would say that for some reason it worked for me this time. I haven't had a "cheat" like that in several months though.
  • Occasionally fall off the wagon, but it's only a problem if it ruins my resolve to get back up again!
  • I will share what I have noticed in my brief period of doing Atkins. If I don't exercise 5-6 days a week I don't lose weight even eating 20 carbs a day. I agree with JersyGyrl I made a lifestyle change when I was almost 400 pounds or possibly just over 400... and well now I don't want anything as much as I want to be fit.. and healthy... means more to me than chocolate and shudder...even my favorite thing in the world... Bubblegum (haven't found carb free Gumballs but if I do I will be in heaven

    I always tell everyone though, do what works for you...
    Best of luck all,
    - Elliott
  • My DH plans his cheat days... it really keeps him on plan. But that doesn't always work for everyone... you need to do whats right for you.

  • Quote: Personally...for me, a "cheat day" is a total recipe for disaster. I know myself better than anyone, once I get a taste for something I know I need to stay away from...its downhill from there. The cheat day turns into another cheat day...which in turn leads to a cheat week...which in turn leads to a cheat month. Almost 5 years ago when I decided to lose weight I knew the key to success was to make this a total lifestyle change. When I read the Atkins book, the comment that stood out was "just one little taste is the kiss of death"...for me this is oh so true. I am not a person who can eat in moderation...if I were, I'd have never gotten up to 245 lbs For me, nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
    This is how I am as well. Although I still continue to "try" and I have some or no success.
  • I do 20carbs a day, no matter what. But...on Saturdays of every week, I cheat.....Don't matter what I eat that day. And ususally Sunday morning, I lose like 2 lbs. It works for me, because I have to eat what I like or I will throw it away all week long. It works for me, but, I can't say it works for everyone. For Thanksgiving, I plan to eat like normal. I'm looking forward to it!!
  • At my age it's much easier to avoid the pitfalls than it used to be. I've lost and gained back weight about 5 times in my life and I vow not to have that happen again. I eat a bit higher carbs when on holiday because it's difficult in many restaurants to order and eat nicely and still be low carb (and I only eat 3 times a day and we always walk miles while on holiday so the bit higher carbs are worked off) but when at home and during my normal lifestyle I don't go off program at all.

    I have xmas baking coming up soon and I'm vowing not to even taste test. I need to have a few goodies to set out for company but it will be minimal and the left overs after the holiday will go home with my children. I vow not to say "oh well it's Christmas after all!" I can enjoy myself completely and not need to have sweets surely.

    I know myself and I too will fall hard if I let myself begin the slide.