Almond Milk vs. Soy Milk

  • What's the difference, is one better for you than the other or is it a personal taste difference? Sorry for all the questions, just going through a lot of posts and seeing what others are eating...

  • Personal taste mostly, slightly different nutrient profile. I use "milk" as a vehicle for smoothies and not for any serious nutrition so I choose based on taste. Make sure you are getting the unsweetened though. I use either US vanilla almond, hemp or coconut because I try to limit my processed soy (personal preference )
  • Ok, I'm lost... in the book it says Soymilk, low fat plain, vanilla or artificially sweetened (4g or less fat per 8 oz serving) no high fructose corn syrup...

    I bought the very vanilla and it's under the 4 grams and has no hfc, i'm hoping that one is ok???
  • If that's what the book says then I'm sure it's okay (don't have my book with me). I just reflexively buy unsweetened everything because I do better without any added sugar in my diet. I'm sure other people will chime in
  • I like almond milk better than soy. But I prefer regular milk so that's what I use.
  • I use the almond milk too. Sweeter taste and great to replace half and half in my morning coffee. I make sure it's not flavored though as it seems to have sugars in it (we use Diamond brand).
  • I use unsweetened almond milk. Mostly in oatmeal and smoothies as I'm not a milk drinker. Only 40cal/cup and it gives a nice creamy taste. I buy it at Costco by the case and it has a good shelf life before it's opened.

    I drink skim milk in my lattes, though.
  • Ok I'm an idiot and the soy milk I bought has cane something in it, oops. Gonna head to store after work and buy some unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Thanks guys!!
  • Check this out for all things milk!
  • I prefer to make my own almond milk. I use it in place of regular milk almost exclusively.

    I've never cared for the taste of soy, whether flavored and masked with sugars or plain.
  • I just wanted to mention if you don't like one brand of either type that doesn't necessarily mean you should stop trying because they can taste sooo different! I myself like Almond Breeze. Unsweetened or original. I really prefer the cartons that are refridgerated not the ones on the shelf... funny how the little things make such a difference!
  • Oh, and I really like rice dream but the almond milk tastes almost as good and is much lower in calories. Ive never cared much for soy milk...
  • I like the unsweetened Almond Breeze too.Yesterday when I told my youngest son we were out of milk,he looked in the fridge and said yes we do there's almond milk.To my surprise he used it in his cereal and he's only 11.