Want to start MF! Worth it?

  • I keep hearing wonderful things about Medifast but feel a little hesitant to take the plunge. I want to lose abotu 35 more pounds in a little under 4 months. I've got a sensitive stomach, I mean really sensitive, and don't want to spend all this money if this is just going to make me sick. I exercise everyday for about an hour and am trying to manage my diet with no carbs, no sugars, better portions, etc. but it just doesn't seem to be losing what I want to. Is Medifast worth it in your opinion?
  • I have helped 8 people lose that and more and every one has met their goal so far except me. Then again I needed to lose almost 100 lbs so it is taking a tad longer but I am getting closer, 73 lbs since last summer. Hubby has lost 115 in the same time period.
    Medifast is really easy if you stick to the plan;o)
  • YES!!!! It works!!!! Try out a 2 week supply, maybe, to see if your stomach can handle it. Good luck!
  • It works~ And it's great. But make sure you stay on plan because if you don't it becomes a giant waste of money.
  • It is definitely a great program- I'd start out with a 2 week supply as suggested but letting you know that working out isn't recommended for the first 3 weeks on Medifast- and even after that they say light exercise because your calories are so low.