Please check attitude at door....

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  • I just have to vent for a minute.

    Today I went to a center just to weigh in. As I was standing in line there was a girl on a tangent about new program and all the "issues" with it. It was like she was holding a court of negativity. Right behind her was a brand new member....if that was me, I would have been horrified.

    In behind me came two women who looked absolutely miserable. Being a social creature I try talking to people around me. I overheard the women behind me talking about getting a pointsplus calculator so I said, it's a great tool to have and they're only $6 right now. The one woman started barking at me about how she HATES the new program, doesn't want to do it and how much weight she lost on points program. I just turned back around.

    I get that we all have our comfort zone and get used to things. And yes, we also have freedom of speech to discuss our thoughts. However, nobody forced you to walk through that door. We all have choices to make and your choice was WW. If you don't like the new program you don't have to stay. I totally disagree with Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, etc, which is why I would never do choice. Everybody has to do what is right for them.

    Stepping off of soap box now.....
  • Some people are not happy unless they are complaining about something.
  • Agreed! I went to meeting today and only heard one lady kind of muttering. Everyone else was pretty pumped, especially when our leader showed us she lost 8 POUNDS on it and was adjusting her maintenance weight because of it!!

    GIVE IT A CHANCE PEOPLE. Pretend like you're a new member. It might just be great!
  • I honestly do not see the big deal with the new program and why people are so miserable with it. I haven't had to make hardly any adjustments with the way I eat...I mean the only thing is that I don't know point values any more but that doesn't bother me. I mean it's not like the program changed to where, say, it used to be like when you couldn't eat a certain food 2 days in a row,etc. or have to eliminate anything completely. So why are people upset?

    And like you said, no one is forcing them to be there or join. If you don't like it, then don't do it. Or keep doing it the old way...but don't ruin it for others.
  • I went to a meeting today too, for the first time in more than a year. I knew about the new program and wanted to rejoin and get a jump start before January when EVERYONE will be trying to sign up for the new year. I was talking to my mom who was with me, about how interesting I thought the new program was, and a woman in front of me jumped right in and started complaining! "I don't like it! My Daily Points Target went up! I don't eat alot of fruit!" and on and on and on. I wanted to tell her to give the thing a CHANCE since it's only been a week, but I didn't bother. She wasn't gonna rain on my parade. I was like Barbra up in there!

    I don't get the misery some folks have about the new program. Just TRY IT. If you don't like it you can always go back to the old program.
  • I haven't had time to go to meetings so I have been online only the past month but I kinda dread going... I may snap on someone LOL!!
  • The same thing happened at my Wednesday morning meeting! Half the women in the room were complaining and I really wanted to get up and loudly ask, "Why in the **** are all of you complaining?!" From what I gathered everyone had one complaint in common, the fact that they had to recalculate point values seemed to be too much work. I came to the conclusion that it was pure laziness and the people who were bickering didn't want to take the time to re-do everything because they had memorized all the point values on the old plan. I feel comfortable knowing that Weight Watchers would NOT change the plan if it did not work. That was the other complaint, gaining weight due to the increase in daily and weekly points. I tried to tell 2 ladies who were sitting in back of me that there is nothing to worry about and eating MORE may be beneficial. They of course went on and on and on being completely negative so I tried to tune them out.

    I truly think we are going to see results with the new plan, we just need to give it a chance =D
  • I think there are a few reasons people are negative, one of which I understand.

    Some people had success on the old program and feel comfortable with it and are afraid they won't succeed on the new program. I understand that one. I became a lifetime member on exchanges and while I was intrigued by points when they came out I worried I wouldn't succeed as well on it. So I can understand that concern. But I also recognize that sometimes progress requires change.

    Some people don't like the new program because it seems like more work to them. Having to put in 4 numbers into a calculator rather than 3 or having to use a calculator rather than a slide. Or they had the old program memorized. Personally I don't find it all that more onerous so it doesn't bother me. I still think I can estimate on it when necessary, etc. But I can see some people feeling it is just too much for them in which case it isn't a good program for them to choose.

    The final group I'm going to be blunt about. Some people don't like the new program because it is encouraging healthy eating. They liked eating junk food for low points and are unhappy that the new program doesn't encourage that and penalizes it. I've seen on the WW web site boards some people saying that almost all their food they like to eat have gone way up in points. If that is actually true then that person has been eating a lot of, well, unhealthy food.

    I can understand that to a point. I am not a fruit eater really so the free fruit is sort of a so what to me. I'll eat some more of it sure (because I would rarely spend points on it) but it isn't a big draw to me. And some of the foods I like have gone up as well. But most only by a little and many haven't changed at all.

    But someone who really enjoyed eating a lot of junk food is going to be irate with this program.
  • People on the WW boards are also irate that alcohal has gone up. DUH. It's not a healthy choice, I mean ok in moderation, but a couple of glasses of wine every night. Hmm. It makes sense to me that it should not be encouraged.

    IMO, most of the people who complain are mad that the website and etools are harder to navigate now that they have to redo everything. I use the website for boards only. I still write everything on pen and paper, its easier for me. I don't track on the computer, I dont list my recipes..nothing. So this new program is no big thing.

    I agree, people complain because they can't eat their 1pt breads, or snack packs, or other processed garbage.
  • I guess that IS the issue then. People who were not REALLY following the rules of the program had the mentality of "Ok, I have 26 points every day and as long as I stay within that, I can eat whatever I want. So McDonald's every day is ok then. I am still within my points". They saw it as a free for all and never really understood what WW is all about. It's not all about weight loss-it's about eating healthier. And yeah alcohol has gone up (a mudslide is 30 points!) but it doesn't take a genius to know that if you drank on the old program, it usually slowed down your weight loss.

    Maybe I missed something cause I didn't see a change in the website...
  • I just got all of the new materials and I am an e-tools user as well. I love the new program. It does encourage you to eat healthier and I am ready for a change. I WAS one of those who never ate fruit and veggies and just kept making crappy food choices. I've been on points (on & off) since it started. I always wondered why I wasn't losing as much as others and I would give up. Well, I am on a mission! I re-joined on October 18th. I'm already down 10 lbs and I can't wait to weigh-in tomorrow
  • Just wanted to give my .2. I can admit I'm a little freaked out about the new program. Not because I ate a bunch of junk food, but because the things I did eat alot of, i.e beans, grains, whole wheat bread, have gone up so much in points and I only get a few more points a day, which is not enough to cover the increase in my usual foods. I'm not sure if being vegetarian makes a difference or not; it's something I'm going to have to discuss with a leader. I just want my program to be something that I'm going to be able to succeed with over the longhaul.
  • I am excited about the new program and am really treating it like I am new member. I have been SO lax the past few months- gaining and losing the same few pounds. I need a mind shift and am actually excited that this is taking place before the new year.

    Already, in just two days, I have eaten a lot more fruit than I normally would, which is something I need to do!!

    I needed a kick in the butt to quit the coasting I have been doing.
  • I have yet to attend a meeting since starting the new plan, my meeting on the new plan is tomorrow so we'll see who has what to say. I'm sure there will be a few ranters
  • Everyone at my meeting just looked dazed, confused and scared. :-) There wasn't really any time to complain or be angry; it was a flurry of information and the line was out the door! I wonder what will happen on Tuesday when folks have had a week to try it. I'm really lucky to have a truly awesome leader. I think folks at my meeting are trusting this in large part because she says it's the real deal.