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  • I want a weight loss ticker in my signature...
    Do I REALLY have to wait 20 days till I can??
  • I feel the same!! I know I'll have the twenty posts but twenty days seems like a lifetime
  • Yep. You gotta wait. I know it seems like forever, but use it as a mini-goal.

    Just 20 days keeping on plan. It won't be so bad once you get there =)
  • The minigoal is a great idea!
  • Yep, what Lovely said- I used it as a mini-goal for sure! I'm still here and with 30lbs gone so far! WORTH the wait, IMO.
  • Definitely use it as a mini-goal! See how far you can make your ticker move so when you finally post it, it's that much more progress!
  • True, I hated the wait but man is it nice when you can already show off some pounds by the time you get it.
  • so once the 20 days are gone how do u put the ticker?
  • http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/anno...questions.html
  • I have to agree. I think it's sort of lame to not allow you to start off with a tracker from the beginning as well. I feel like I'm on probation.
  • I'm in the camp who thinks it is great to have it as a mini goal - I'm looking forward to seeing how much I can lose in those first 20 days and also, it's helping me stay on plan for that time. Supposedly, it takes 3 weeks to develop a new habit, so when I get my ticker, I should be in the habit of being on plan!!
  • It definitely isn't done to make anyone feel bad. The problem is, spammers would join, post all over the board, and then put a spam link in their signature boxes. Suddenly, that spam is ALL OVER the board, and nothing showed up in "New Posts" so that we'd even see it. So it takes us much longer to catch, and therefore to delete and ban.

    It's a rare spammer that will join, make 20 posts that make sense, wait 20 days, and come back to spam us. This change has cut down the amounts of spam (and the work it makes for your volunteer moderator team) by a huge amount.
  • I know that I have been a member for 20 days but not sure how many posts I've made. Is there a place to see that information?
  • You've made 7 posts. It's to the LEFT underneath your Screen name, under your location.
  • Thank you....I'm not used to discussion boards. It is taking some time to figure it all out. :-)