Valentine's Day Challenge (short 4-week version)

  • Hello Alternagirls!

    Just wanted you to know that some of the bloggers have a mini Valentine's Day challenge going on for the next 4 weeks if any are interested! Bits of String and Sealing Wax, Jellbelle, and others have begun this challenge and I've provided the link below, so please come join us. No challenge is too small and everyone is welcome! I trying for 10 pounds - we'll see!

    Thanks and have a successful day.


    Valentine’s Day Challenge!!
  • I don't have a word press account but I do have a blogger and I shall accept this challenge on my own blog. ^_^ Thanks for the motivation!
  • Still trying to get my blog created, but I'm totally in! Ten lbs by V-day seems not only doable but a great short term goal for a noob like me!
  • That's great y'all...the more the merrier!!! This week has been bad for me, though. With this being the first week back at school and all, I've eaten rather poorly but I'm getting back on the train this weekend!

  • I have a blog on Blogger and this seems like a pretty cool challenge. I'm up for it.