Inches vs Pounds

  • Due to lack of interest - removing
  • removed
  • Wow! That is quite a loss! Great job! It is so easy to get caught up on what the scale says, and I think when you are overweight it's easy to always see yourself as overweight or BIG! But when you lay it out in actual inches, you see what a HUGE difference it is.
  • Since I have this information readily available because I measured him just yesterday...

    My 7 year old son, who is tall, but in no way husky, has a waist size of 26 inches. Just as a matter of perspective. Your waist is only 3 inches more than a child I would refer to as skinny.
  • A pound a week is great! Slow, steady weight loss is the healthiest, and you're clearly gaining shapely muscle, too! Well done
  • I'm going to have to buy a tape measure! This is a great idea!
  • Thanks all for the positive feedback...wasn't asking for or expecting that!

    I started this thread so that everyone could see that the scale doesn't have to control you and to encourage folks -no matter where they are in the process- to take measurements. Hopefully it will help when/if the scale starts singing the same tune week after week - you will know that you are still making progress.