What is going on with my... um... lower intestines?

  • I've been implementing a lot of changes in my diet to lose weight and get healthy. This is week #2 and my stomach hurts. I have that same feeling of bloating and gas pains that I get when I have my period. I don't know whether it's due to more water or fiber, but sheesh, there's a lot of activity happening in my gut.

    Has this happened to anyone else? What can I do, other than take gas relief medicine? Help! I'm stinking up my house! Sorry, TMI
  • It's probably just due to the increased fibre (I'm assuming you're eating more fruit, veggies, and whole grains?). It can take a few weeks for your body to adjust to the diet change. Keep drinking a good amount of water, and it should sort itself out. If not, might want to check with your doctor
  • I have that with some veggies, its so loud its crazy,just eat one veggie at a time and find the one which sets you off.
  • After years and years of eating broccoli, onions, green peppers, etc., they still all give me gas. My system never got "used" to anything. It's unfortunate!

    Oh, but there may be an unknown culprit you haven't recognized. For example, it took me a few really bad, embarrassing, gas-filled weeks to realize the chocolate soy milk I was drinking was the culprit!

  • My advice:

    take 2 beanos, then chew and chew and chew ... you can't chew too much!
  • Quote:
    Has this happened to anyone else? What can I do, other than take gas relief medicine? Help! I'm stinking up my house! Sorry, TMI
    We call that condition "Gurgly Bottom" at my house, LOL. And yes, fresh produce does that to me. I ate a lovely apple as part of my lunch today and boy, you should hear my tummy tonight!
  • Try some apples, that might clear you out lol
  • It's the fiber. It helps to go slow with increasing it

    Some people have had really good result from yogurt and acidophilus supplements.

    The other possible culprit is too much sugar alcohols (in anyone), and even other artificial sweeteners in some people. Things like mannitol, sorbitol, maltitol, xylitol.
  • When I began my new eating plan, I added a lot of fiber to my diet and had a similar reaction for the first couple of weeks. My body seems to have adjusted and I no longer have the bloating and discomfort. Hope your system adjusts as well!
  • Thanks guys, I'm feeling somewhat better today, thanks for the suggestions too. I ate some Activia, and I will try an apple.

    Quote: It's the fiber. It helps to go slow with increasing it

    Some people have had really good result from yogurt and acidophilus supplements.

    The other possible culprit is too much sugar alcohols (in anyone), and even other artificial sweeteners in some people. Things like mannitol, sorbitol, maltitol, xylitol.
    Yeah, I haven't had much artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols, because I'm eating mostly whole foods. In fact less than usual, since I haven't had any diet soda this week.
  • Just don't let this thing with the lower get you down. I have struggled with this problem so long that it is like my best friend. I just keep on keeping on and when the pains get to bearable I just sit still and pray for relief. I just do what others have mentioned daily I have an apple and yogurt. Water is something that I get an lots of. I have found that regular exercise helps in this matter as well. I can tell when I haven't worked out for 3 days in a row. Hope that things go well in this dept for you.