I miss my old thin life

  • I miss my old thin life...

    I miss having lots to where in my closet and not stressing that nothing fits
    I miss going out and feeling comfortable that I am not the fattest one there
    I miss the attention from men and women when you are fit
    I miss people thinking you are successful when you lose weight
    I miss my old thighs!

    I have been FAT.. and then very thin... and now FAT again.
    The world treats you so differently when you are FAT.

    I miss me.
  • Awwww...I'm sure your feelings are shared by sooo many people here...you are not alone. Best thing though...(as you've been both thin and heavy)...is that changing your physical appearance is much easier than changing the inside...so half the battle is won! Eating a sensible diet (finding what works for you...so many of them out there), exercise (just 20 min walk 3-4 times a day), and a good support system (your here...right???)...is all you need and you won't have to wish anymore. Joyce
  • WOW..I hear ya! I'm a lost soul right now and I feel your pain. I can't wrap my head around the fact that I don't like/love myself enough to at least TRY to get my situation under control. So, yeah, I feel your pain. I hope you feel better soon!
  • I'm with you there. I also miss having photos of myself from celebrations, etc., because I don't feel comfortable at all having my photo taken any more (my thin self wouldn't even have noticed!) But I'm holding on to all those things I miss as motivation to keep me going on my wellness project. I expect to regain my thin self - the one that was not fearful of fatigue or being out of breath; the one that was spontaneous and could keep up. That's the prize I'm keeping my eyes on.
  • Lola, I could have totally written your post for you. I so understand this. *sigh*
  • I feel your pain. I just saw some pictures of the old me and wanted to cry. But I am determined to get back into my "skinny" clothes and not ever again walk into a room, and base my esteem level on how big I am compared to everyone else.