10 Days In The Life Boat #85

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  • Hi everyone--Winter returned here last night and we have snow on the ground again! I was dry yesterday.
    I've been here long enough to earn my ticker, but don't have time to play with it right now. Quick question though--the link to make one within 3 fatchicks doesn't seem to do anything? Guess I can use ticker factory.

    Stephanie--I have GERD, and so very reluctantly stopped drinking anything carbonated last year. I had gone from diet coke to diet ginger ale, and then to just fizzy water thinking I was doing a good thing. Any of the diet sodas really aggravate the acid reflux. Turns out the bubbles in any kind of soda are bad for it too.
    Now I only drink black coffee before noon, then plain ice water in the afternoons. Sometimes I will have ice tea-but I think that gives me reflux sometimes too
  • JzBelle- it is also the caffeine that can irritate the GERD, so that could be why your iced tea can give you reflux as well as any diet sodas. My doc told me to try to avoid any sodas but if I have to have some soda, to drink clear sodas with no caffeine in them like Sierra Mist, Sprite, etc. Try decaffeinated tea and see how that works for you. I have GERD too so I share your pain.
  • Had planned on doing a no show here then realized if I stay swimming and do not get back in the boat I will get tired and drown. I do not want to drown! (quit and regain.) So thanks for a line and a towel.
  • Glad you're back aboard Ubee. Crap happens and we get wet. Here's fresh sunscreen and more velcro. Don't make me get out the Gorilla Glue.
  • Welcome back aboard Ubee! Glad to have you back.

    Thanks for the tips everyone. I definitely have some ideas for more goals next time.

    I'm still doing ok and staying dry this round. I was tempted to stop for food while we were out running errands (dang burger & fries places smell SO good) but went home and had a turkey sandwich on 1 slice of wheat bread instead. Feeling satisfied now with plenty of points left for dinner & even a snack later.

    I'm a bit worried that I'm not eating all of my WW points (so many!), but I seem to be losing, so we'll see.

    Hope everyone is doing well & staying dry.
  • Thanks everyone.
    Judy I am going to need that Gorilla Glue!
    Today I am going to stay on plan!
  • Staying dry here. Completed a second Zombies, Run! mission yesterday--jogged for nearly 5 minutes out of my 30. Legs are good-kind-of-sore this morning.

    Ubee, way to go climbing back in the boat. Give a shout if you feel yourself falling out of the boat today.

    Stephanie, as long as you're not losing at some ridiculously rapid rate, and not feeling deprived, I wouldn't worry about not eating all your WW points. Whatever works for you. I was eating all my dailies and maybe half of my weeklies and not losing a dang thing for about 6 months. Got discouraged and nearly gave up, then tried upping exercise, which did no good, then finally decided to try my current 30-day experiment of NO WEEKLIES. Suddenly I'm losing at a reasonable rate again. I like WW for a lot of reasons but I do think their emphasis on sloooooooow loss is a little overdone.
  • Dry again! Getting comfortable with my goals.
  • dry here....Sitting next to you Ubeee, going to grab you if I see you leaning too far over the edge of the boat!
  • Awesome work staying dry everyone!!

    Tonight is going to be difficult for me. I've been having cravings ALL DAY LONG. I've already eaten 2 servings of Cool Ranch Doritos (at different times of the day) to try to satiate my cravings for salty stuff (an entire big bag of Hot Cheetos, pizza and crazy bread, etc.)

    Husband & I went to dinner at my mom's and had spaghetti & 1 piece of garlic toast. I did well with a reasonable portion size and should be within my daily points (had to guesstimate). I haven't seen my mom in FOREVER (2+ years) and the whole relationship can be a bit emotional for me, so I think that's why my cravings today have been so bad.

    But I am still dry & hoping to stay dry! I might work a reasonable portion of pizza into my day tomorrow if I am still feeling like this. I definitely DON'T want to be too restrictive on myself or I am more likely to fall off board.

    Vortex: I am glad you have found something that is finally working for you again! Sometimes our bodies just get complacent and we need to change it up, I guess. I have been losing quite fast so far, but I think that's because I just started (literally in my first 2 weeks still) and weight loss comes much faster in the first few weeks. I am definitely not starving or anything like that, so I think you're right & it's okay for now. Thanks for the reassurance. Of course, I will probably wish I had that 10 points back when I get down into the 30 pt. range! LOL. I am literally going from eating fried foods and pizza twice a day to a green smoothie in the morning and much healthier choices throughout the day, so I think that has a lot to do with it.

    Good luck staying dry all!
  • Good Morning!
    Time for baby steps.
    Changing my goal to getting my water in daily.
  • How'd I miss a day?

    Friday was damp but manageable. Yesterday was delightfully dry.
  • Thanks to one baby step challenge I am dry!
  • Stayed dry yesterday & here's to another dry day (I hope)!

    Great job everyone.
  • doing pretty well here. grilled some chicken for dinner last night. planning to make a batch of cauliflower faux-tatoes tonight.
    housecleaning & laundry day today......

    Stay Dry Everyone!