Successful Lunch Out!

  • A friend invited me to lunch. We went to Applebees.
    Instead of just "thinking" I knew how to order, I actually went to Daily Plate and looked up calories for things on the menu, and decided what I was going to get BEFORE I got there.

    So, I ordered the Chicken Portobella sandwich, with fresh fruit, and unsweetened tea for a total of 360 calories.
    I had a great time with my friend, and stayed on program!

    With a little preparing, eating out AND staying on program is possible. How cool is that???

  • That's fantastic! A lunch out at 360 calories! Great job!

    I agree with you about pre-planning...Im doing that now for a lunch out on Sunday with my sister. I want to stay true to my committment to eat healthy, whole foods, but I also want to be able to go out and enjoy family events.
  • WTG! I had lunch out with my coworkers and looked everything up beforehand and total my lunch was 560 calories And my salt intake is still going to be less than 1900 mg for the day- WOO!
  • Congratulations! You've really got healthy eating established!