This web site needs our help...........

  • Look Folks I haven't been here for to long but I know how important this web site is to so many of us and yet this site is in dire financial straights. Now most of us will know just how that is.
    This site has over 14,800 members. I just don't see a problem because no matter how tough we a financial bind we have most of us can easily fork in $1.00 per month , every single month. In that way the site is secure and who knows what wonderful things could be added! Please, this is more than a weight loss support. Here we have friends to cherish, here we can share our problems no matter what they are and the members really care. For me I don't know what I would do without the people here to back me up and understand. A pledge of $1.00 measly dollar a month .........surely we can do this to keep our site and even make it better. Lets band together and do this simple little thing .

    I will start.....$1.00 a month every month, That's all it would take and God know we waste more than that in a week so lets here it and more over lets do it. You 'll never get a cheaper deal in your life and accomplish so much.
    Thank you for Listening
  • Sounds like a great idea.

  • Just a suggestion....
    My husband plays an online game, which was introduced as a free game. The game has now moved to a bigger server and is still free to play until you get to a certain level, to advance pass this level you have to subscribe to the game. You can take out a six month or a yearly subscription

    This is only a suggestion but couldn't a similar principle be applied to this site i.e browse for free but to post etc you need to register and then pay £12/$12 for a year?

    Just an idea
  • I try and give a 1.00 or a month every month. Just like paying for all my other bills. I don't have a problem donatinig and if everyone gave 1.00 I am sure this board would be set for awhile.

    Hello and Hugs
    I miss you all

  • Pryia - I think you're right - if everyone gave a dollar - wow, that would be great for the site.
