Trying to lose 50 pounds

  • HI ! I am trying to lose about 100 pounds but for now just aiming for 50 ! I am starting out at 250 :/ I would love to get under 200 but mostly I feel like I am so big its going to take along time .... How did you guy's get started ?
  • Hi BaseballME! Welcome (and nice username)!

    When I first joined 3FC, I started by trying to get my food under control. I did this by calorie counting. I no longer strictly count calories, but I learned a lot from it. Poke around the threads. I particularly like the Weight Loss Support in the Support Forum. Some of the accountability threads (where people check in every day or so) can be very useful for figuring out what's working for other people.

    I think you're smart to break up your weight loss into smaller goals. One pound at a time, right? Welcome again and best to you!
  • It might take a long time, but as they say, the time is going to pass anyway, yes? Might as well be working towards a better future! Keep us posted on your successes!
  • I am re-starting on my goals, but each time that I have been successful in the past, I had set mini-goals. Breaking a long-term goal into smaller goals makes it feel more manageable, less overwhelming. I'm currently at 218 and my first mini-goal is 199...then 189....then 179....etc. Best of luck to you!
  • I started by setting monthly goals for 5 lbs a month because I think it's doable. I know from the past that eating low carb works for me so I eased off of grains, corn and corn ingredients, and potatoes. I started easing off sugar and processed foods too. I haven't eliminated these things completely, but I don't have them often and usually don't want them anymore.

    To get started, you can try looking at what you're already eating and figure out what to cut or what to add more of. Don't necessarily change what you eat but eat more of the healthier stuff you already like and less of the junk. If you're working out, don't go for a full 7 days a week or really long hours. Find a rate that you're more comfortable with and increase from there.
  • Welcome!!! I started at 265lbs, goal of 100-120lbs to lose. Last weigh in had me down 38lbs...

    it can be done!!! Keep your chin up and don't let things hold you back. You are doing this for YOU!

    I am losing weight with Opti-Fast but there are a TON of different diets/programs out there - go through the different sections and look for one that feels right to you.